The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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What Sits Behind Blue Eyes

You think me blind

That I don’t see the devil in your smile,

And the demons in your head.

The scars on your body,

And the stains on your heart


So, when I remind you of the empathy in your eyes

And the gentleness of your strong hands,

You feign silent exasperation at my “lack of sight”,

And what you call “misguided hopeful belief”


As such you put it upon yoursel...

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blind eyesself-identitydarknesslightnaivety

Don't Look Into Their Eyes

If only I could be as naive as you
watch the world, removed
as if it's a bible story
a morality tale
where the wrong we do comes back around
how I wish it was like that

I grew up in the real world
a northern child from a broken home
I saw the things people do
sensed what people really think
it doesn't shock me
it doesn't surprise me
I understand that people sin
Yes, and I join in...


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Sweaty Little Fingers

Sweaty Little Fingers


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive. 


"That's not a fish! It's a tadpole!"


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a tadpole alive

I loved the little fella and I wanted him to thrive 

but he was too small for me so I made him dive 

back into the water.


1 little frog hopping around. I bend and lift him from the ground. I wrap him up all safe and s...

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Childhood memorieschildhood deathnaturenaivetynursery rhymefrogsfingershands

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