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“I ate you” I said,

Bitter, hard hearted affair

I keep repeating.

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Without you, this christmas.

The gifts lie untouched
I am completely alone
Happy christmas dear

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Fires Of Anger

Fires of anger

Consume my soul, burn me up

A self induced hell

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first snowflakes swarming

in eddies of icy wind

naked trees shiver

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Workers and poets
down tools:
Cohen is dead.

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clouds closer to home

fill the most devoted eyes

moonstruck all the same

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beyond all the stars

another Earth, just the same-

but oh so peaceful

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Icy blast

Icy blast spreads leaves

Stark branches clawing at sky

Warm fireside beckons

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the dew has risen-

but my curtailed dream declines

to free the moorland

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stoic horse's breath 

     and the dew as one before

          the blaze of sunrise

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spring of remembrance-

a woodpecker lost to sight

about the gardens

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watercolour lights

diffuse through cloudy fathoms

catch the least pebble

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The invisible man
brought me so much trouble 
while my eyes were closed


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seeing another side

to the river, love finds

a long dreamed echo


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stormy night

night of shivering

endless darkness swallows all

peering eyes sees black

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Starlings flock and swirl

Migration’s compulsive call

Fly on freedom’s wings

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Haiku Collection #12

from a balcony:
the worm, the bird, the cat
prepare for the day


a traveller's claim
clear as fresh rainwater
the stream has returned


where else shall he look-
deep red leaves torn from branches,
his kite above all


wandering raindrops 
tasked to define a home
land with no trouble


no use explaining
other clouds blown far away;
take all the blue sky!


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Haiku Collection #11

rushing past windows
dressed so very much alike
flute song peeps from one
opening the door 
to october my old friend
leaning on the jamb
unconvinced by dusk
boys take to the dusty pitch,
uprights turning gold
because a leaf falls
who calls my name through the fog;
chained dogs left to bark
abandoned to chance-
deep bells for just the right beak
and eyes made to ...

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Approaching Winter

Solitary leaf

Adorns ominous dark tree

First frost approaches

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Lonely pallid streaks

Glimmer through low hazy cloud

Soon departing warmth

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Haiku Collection #10

ant on the chessboard
moves to the colouring book
with her own logic
one duck dives-
here we are all eyes strained 
for the new position
just to sit and wait
with jackdaws on high branches-
storms may pass us by
summer almost passed
for a snail glued to concrete
...princely inner life
worm out in the rain,
which olympic discipline
do you most admire?


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Haiku Collection #9

autumn my age
a bend in the river
unfolding my view
in the orange trees
leaving tomorrow alone
a nameless bird flits
who believes the sands
of yonder shore where thoughts rest
twinkle like the stars
further down the lane
shadows face twilight
deep in thought
it happened a leaf
fell as you answered a text,
it lies at your feet


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Haiku Collection #8

far from the highway -
caterpillar fit to burst
settles for a nap
light  bright butterflies
bring nothing of the darkness
from the chysalis
Ah, this old hillside:
one day for seventeen steps
a butterfly led.
heading for the door,
the butterfly in my hands; 
my improvised cage.
end of the street
two butterflies waltz closely
return to the clouds


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Tall trembling trees

Rustled by whispering wind

A curling leaf falls

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Haiku Collection #7

to my amazement
a stone hung in the sky -
who could help but weep?
responding with smiles-
the voyaging moon becalmed
in this child's spy-glass
grace in high relief,
partial sunlight realised:
this phase speaks to me
grown old and faded,
children's drawings under dust-
the moon has a face.
swift through the branches,
slow across the milky way,
faithfully, the mo...

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Haiku Collection #6

farewell my old skin
tattooed to amuse myself
words no longer true
this joy so fragile
my moon so white and slender
a breeze could take it
you sense the old man 
with one more sad tale to tell
let star-gazing win
what of the coconut-
atom wrestles ocean
for the fabled shore
the man in the moon
disregarding all evil
takes a giant leap



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Haiku Collection #5


I maintain 
an invented world:
nymph and sage
cavort there
A rift in the earth
where pioneers from both sides 
know no different
rambling rose in bloom
perfuming each stepping stone...
opening the gate
an ocean by ear:
high excitement where the leaves 
overlook the lanes
beetle in the water,
this reed to save your soul-
withered and broken 

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Haiku Collection #4


willows hanging lower
and lower over the path,
even dogs must bow
willow as witness
two broken fishing vessels
cast but one shadow
willow reflections
suffer the grey leaf adrift
and the tailing carp
the clearest of streams 
cloistered with reed and willow
bright kingfisher eyes
Where has my love gone?
Where the willow grows for there
leaden sorrows flow


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Haiku Collection #3


spat out by the sea

I too embrace the least wave

risen from the depths


what has happened here?

all around devestation,

I start by blinking


universal eye,

the river sought deeper shade-

my heart is unsoiled


pleading ignorance,

my bridge that one day will fall

invites you over


these faded portraits

climbing stone steps worn with...

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Haiku Collection #2


lace-work leaves, or moons;
ropes and anchors hold them all
and never complain


over dark landscapes
countless stars have assembled:
a sleeper may wake


the rolling moon's sigh-
"your fields my shimmering sea,
could I choose to stay"


novel constellations;
bluebells intent on beauty
not so far from town


branches large and small-
cut up the blazi...

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Kitchen Sink Philosophy - from my new collection about motherhood called 'Mumb'


Breakfast, dinner, tea-

different food, same dishes;

new water, same sink.


Each day, fresh treasure

Organic, homegrown, straight from

the cat litter tray.


You will never peel

the same potato again.

Alas, more will come.


The sole purpose for

anyone’s toaster’s crumb tray

is to upset them.


Once wine filled this glass,

fairy liquid and r...

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cat litterhaikuMotherhoodpeeling potatoesphilosophywashing up

Tease of Love

A taste of her hand
Hence as you bid me adieu
Leads us with l'amore


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clearer stars tonight,

but dreams are essential too:

by morning, a song.

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Gentle morning haze

Filters hesitant sunlight

Promised radiance

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Express not repress 
Take pride in who is inside 
You are luminous

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The Voiceless











When you are silent
The voiceless become hopeless
Speak up for others

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Summer’s Day

Cirrus striations

In clear cerulean sky

Blinding golden beams

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Haiku's a different format?


















Chilled air
Scatters leaves

A Mime
Make a rhyme
Hear it?

Consumes me
Inflicts hell

Sea of life
God's there

You bring
Out the best
In me

Come from heart
Speaks soul

Turn eyes
I'm not here

With Jesus
Find rest


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The worst enemy

British folk deserve

better than sovereignty

under Tory rule.

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Son's Wedding

years considering

her as my daughter-in-law

now it's official.

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June's warm daylight comes

My thoughts of him linger on

June's nights are lonely

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Pale hawthorn blossom

Amid slow fluttering green

Approaching solstice

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Haiku: Blossom

patchy pink pavements

flowers dropped from chestnut trees

crimson avenue

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Innocent sanctioned

dodgy work care assessments

propaganda worked.


Life keeping funds cut

Tory manipulation

population fooled.

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spring awakening

bird song in the air

sunshines kisses my shoulders

flora comes to life.

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botanical gardens

forget-me-nots skirt

towering Dawn Redwood tree

and cherry blossom

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Warm yellow flickers

Through freshly budding branches

Rain glistens brightly

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rainwater wings

sparrows taking baths

puffed out feathers downy coats

droplets shaken free.

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haiku: raindrop blooms

spring flowers glisten

droplets from yesterday’s rain

a fresh beginning

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Haiku: Justice

will welfare victims

wait for justice as long as

twenty-seven years?

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