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Falling apart

You were supposed to be my knight in shining armour

You were supposed to prove them all wrong

Cause back then you were young, and dumb, and stupid

But now you are old enough

To know that you can’t be out here breaking hearts

I guess that’s where we fell apart

I was too busy trying to protect us

And you just didn’t care at all

Making me look foolish over and over again


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heartbreakplatonic friendsfuck yougrew strongerfoolishalonelove poetry

Fuck You

I have done nothing to this world,
and to those surronding me
to be treated liek this, or to have such pain.
I've did ntohing, but cared, loved, and trusted.
I've did all that I possibly could,
but I guess that didn't matter: now did it?

Becuase people like you
still treat me like crap,
people still take advantage of me
when I have trusted them the most,
and people still don't give two...

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carelovetrustedworldshitfuck youhate

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