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The Launch

Found the chords, the riffs are born,
got a front, an axe, a bass, some beats.
The song is written, the group is formed,
what name should the vessel take to the streets?

A mother?  A lover? Seek out a legend?
Symbolic?  Insane? Cast off the vote.
No taking the sis!  Impress my girl-friend
anchor success with a name like a boat.

Think of book; of a pub, of a film script;
see the soft s...

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Moon invited to launch of Pressed by Unseen Feet

The August Blue Moon has been invited to the launch of Pressed by Unseen Feet, an anthology of poetry and short stories on the theme of the spectral unexpected. The evening is hosted by the Hotel du Vin in their courtyard with the sliding roof. Everyone is welcome. There is a small charge of £6 which includes a copy of the anthology and opportunity to hear Newcastle based singers, Skylark Song.


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GhostsLaunchBlue MoonSkylark SongAnthology

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