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underground (Remove filter)

Underground Part 16 to 21

NB. Six more Haikus in my sequence Underground 



You smile after he 
Hides his wedding ring then slips 
getting off the train


September darkness
Makes the late running train feel
even much later  


He doesn’t wake him up
until he has missed his stop 
smiling silently


the first train sprints out
infused with an energy
into the sunrise.



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haikuundergroundandy nmini poem


They'd seen each other on the

Tube, followed day after day by glances and

Hesitant smiles and he'd meant to

Make his move

Break the ice but then came


Now he's mobile again, wondering if

She'll sense the smile beneath his mask

But there's no sign of her

Is she scared to emerge, furloughed or God forbid, sick?

Will he see her again?

Last night he watched T...

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Bought a bomb shelter cheap,

cost me next to nothing at the auction.

Once in it they would never get me out,

not as long as they want to make me pay.

Fifteen years of poll tax to keep them bastards in power.

What do they know of the struggle of the common man?

Keep the wolf from the door by all and every means.

Got me 30 years of food and m...

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nuclear bomb shelter auctioned offpoll tax not paying itunderground





If we could look at the earth in a few thousand years from now,

we would see a nightmare vision. A planet ravaged by massive ice flows,

poisonous radiation storms and acidic oceans.

A naive mankind has done this. Now man has gone underground, far below

the poison and the cold.

It will be ten thousand years before he ventures forth again. Now he l...

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earthfutureplanetdisastersundergroundhuman survival

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