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Artist Talking-To Artist

Artist talking to artist

 As Light to Light
No outsiders hearing
What viewers have in sight.
The colours of the paintings
Reflects the artists thoughts
Though the onlookers never know
The artist’s. Mind.
Artist talking to Artist
Like words from a book
Pictures revealing
Their outlook
One slash here, a line there
A rounded curve
A mountain
A landscape.  A portrait
Of dots connecting dots
As ...

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realnurturen artistslovereal lifeflowing

Going Home




Cars bumper to bumper


Trucks, buses, coaches


Engine noises,



People walking

Cell phones to ears

Hand in hand

Close together,



Women chatting

Buddies hugging

The traffic moves

Relief – freedom

Like a dam burst


All travelling

Going in the same direction.


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puityartpaintingreal lifelifemovementriverflowing

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