vikings (Remove filter)
The allotments will never be the same.
Fred was digging a new bed when he
Found it,
Uprooting silver collars, bracelets, armlets
Finger rings too along with
Amber beads not unlike flax seeds.
Mutterings of treasure trove sprout darkly
In the other sheds where his
Neighbours want their share but
Greenhouses grow security guards now while
Worst of all
Parsnips and pe...
Wednesday 13th May 2020 12:18 pm
Horizons and herring made us Vikings
No estuary beyond our sixteen oars and shallow-drafts.
Silver arm-rings we wore, bound by allegiance,
Chained thralls shared our graves
Ninety miles a day in a fair wind
Sea-sick abaft oak prows and reeling sails.
Monks in towers prayed for stormy seas but
Stiff with salt it was nuns not gold we wanted
After conquest we traded ...
Monday 4th May 2020 11:09 am
Following the Money
From the North Sea, wild and grey
the horde bore down on Scarborough Bay.
I overheard one of them say
"We're following the money."
Like a Viking raiding force
they'd moved their enterprise onshore
to probe beneath the Yorkshire moors
for oil and gas and money.
A mighty fleet of high power cars
overran the Scarborough Spa.
I heard them, wassailing at the bar
thirsty for the money.
Sunday 15th May 2016 6:33 pm
We stare across the open field at each other,
Battle is in the air,
One of us is going to Valhalla today.
We charge across the field with spears,
plunging it into the hearts of our kin,
it is too late to ask questions now.
In the midst of battle, I hear your screams
I am anxious to face you, my brother, my blood.
Two brothers meet, on the field of blood, our eyes are full of hate,
Friday 22nd August 2014 12:04 am
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