The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Valkyrie Taking Me Home

The horse gallops, The thunderous roar of it's hooves, they are here to collect the souls of dead men. Up to Valhalla they go, with their kin, into their ancestral God's Hall. As I lay on foreign land bleeding, I look up into the sky. I see a strong women in armour floating down towards me smiling, Her long red hair shining ever so bright in the sun. I see my mother taking me home.

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norse scandinavian

When a Valkyrie enters your life

Sorry if this not good, I have not wrote in a long time.

The feeling of supernatural protection from the Gods, and this Valkyrie.

That enters your dreams, and talks to you like a friend.

You see her beautiful armor, and this glorious shield, and a shiny sword with runes carved on it,

Looks firece, but holds you like a mother.

Strokes your hair when you are worried, telling you eve...

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norse scandinavian

The wind of the North

The cold wind from the North sent chills down their spines,

The thunder of Thor was so powerful their shields dropped.

The galloping of Sleipnir shook the ground,

We attacked.

They ran into our shield wall,

without mercy,

I drove my spear into the enemy's face,

The wall opens.

Norsemen charged forward with no fear of death,

With rage burning so hot like surts fire,


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The Great Battle In England.

The battle was long and rough,

Many good men died.

We fought long and hard with Thor on our side,

The enemy proved to be too much.

My friends fall in front of me.

No time to look, we must charge forward.

An enemy charges toward me, I smile with a deathly grin.

I swing my shield into his teeth, and follow up with my axe to his neck.

A Horse charges toward me, I swong m...

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norse Viking

Walking through life

The hate keeps fueling the fire,

The sadness in my heart continues to grow.

I need a ray of sunshine melting my hate as a hot sun would with snow.

The darkness over comes the light, but will the light ever shine bright enough?

The laughter of people brings jealousy into my heart.

Why can't I have laughter?

Why can't I have love and happiness?

I hear a whisper in my dreams " Th...

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We sailed our ships across the sea,

looking for a new place to be.

We were not satisfied with what we had,

We knew there was more in the world.

The seas were mighty, with waves as tall as the sky,

men fell over board and drowned,

I felt as if Thor was mad at us.

Still, we fought through the waves,

To a new land we called Vinland.

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norse Viking

Med Odens kärlek är allt möjligt

Father, I don't always sit down with you,

share my thoughts and my life with you,

Just know I always feel your will with me.

I feel your presence, I see the Ravens.

I know the Gods are with me, through you lord Odin,

Anything is possible, and I continue to grow stronger and seek knowledge.

I see the runes in the clouds, I feel your breath in the wind.

I hear mighty Thor riding...

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Odin vækker mig


I feel your presence everywhere.

The wind blowing the branches of trees,

leaves falling from the branch to go with the wind,

The Raven that is flying in the air,

The un-answerable reason why I have answers for things I have no knowledge of,

The first breath I take in the morning,

The sunlight that shines on my face,

The wind that blows when it is too hot,

The forma...

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My experince with Odin

Please forgive me if there is typos.


I sit at the altar, waiting for his reply,

Humbled by his presence.

I feel him there, his overwhelmingly strong, yet respectful vibe.

"What is it my son" He asks.

" Why did you choose me father"

He replys " I saw before you were born, by the fate of the norns,  what you would be. I saw how much courage that heart of yours holds"

Thank ...

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Battle is coming

I wrote this poem about the battle coming in the world.

Odin is riding through the winds on Sleipnir,

I hear his crys through the wind,

Calling me into battle, 

" I need you my son, battle is near"

The lighting cracks through the sky,

The thunder booming.

Thor has arrived. 

The valkyrie's cut the web of human life.

I smell death in the air.

I feel the courage of men f...

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norse scandinavian

Take me home

Take me home to Asgard,

Let me leave this miserable existence,

Walking a pointless existence on earth,

Odin take me,

To Valhalla where I need to be,

Fighting everyday besides the Gods and my ancestors,

To fight Lokes army when Ragnarok happens.

Father I want to come  home.

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Thor, the lover of Sif, the lovley Goddess with long golden hair,

The son of Odin, who's name strikes fear in the hearts to whoever hears it.

My drunken uncle, who flys across the sky in a chariot,

Striking down giants with your mjölnir,

Loki's gift to you to forgive his foolish mistake.

The God who keeps us safe in Midgard, and the rest of the Gods in Asgard.

It is you we look t...

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Norse Mythology Thor


Odin, on your day I feel your presence. I feel your love, gratitude, and warrior spirit, the God that is in my life, protecting me and granting me victory if battle arises against my enemy's. The God that gives the gift of poetry. The Father of the Gods, The father of his Children of the Germanic Race. The one we call to for victory in life and battle, in exchange for our souls he claims into Valh...

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Norse Mythology Scandinavian


We stare across the open field at each other,
Battle is in the air,
One of us is going to Valhalla today.

We charge across the field with spears,
plunging it into the hearts of our kin,
it is too late to ask questions now.

In the midst of battle, I hear your screams
I am anxious to face you, my brother, my blood.

Two brothers meet, on the field of blood, our eyes are full of hate,

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amon amarthnorse godsOdinVikings

The cry of the black birds

I hear the cry of the black birds,

Hugin and Munin I see watching my every move.

Battle is near, Odin is seeing how I will react, or warning me.

When battle arises, I will not retreat. I will meet them with a smile, wanting to spill blood.

May Odin deem me worthy if I fall, and the valkyrie's take me up to Valhalla.

I will meet with Odin, and my ancestors waiting for me in Asgård.

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I was lost, but now I'm found

I was born into this hard life, walking through a harsh world all alone.

I had no one to turn to, everyone in my life has given up on me. '

Always felt a fire inside me, someone was always with me.

All-Father Odin has never given up on me, always pushing me to strive.

"Perform or die" is his motto, he is testing my worthyness to get into Valhallla.

I now realize I have been given th...

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norse scandinavian

Odin's Son.

Charging through the sky in his chariot,

Protector of Asgard and Midgard,

Mighty Thor is the protector of us all.

With the strength  of Mjolnir,

The giants fear he is near.



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