The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

sparkling (Remove filter)

First person, singular, New York

Flash Sparkle smile cry

smell of lights and precious dust

noise of speed 

it's the baby in the street watching our feet

some with expensive shoes and some others with broken flip flops

he is watching it from the arms of the mummy

she wrote a simple line for those people who are passing by with their shoes

money for my baby

and this line is a request

not only for money


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Sun - Kings

Sun - Kings


The Aegean sleeps in sunbreath,

sparkling like a gift

to children on a beach;

splashing whales breach among the caïques

while drifting, effortless, to baked islands

harsh as truth, gentle as giants.


On shattered Santorini riders thread Vespas

along sea-shores and white-dusted heights; whores

cling tight with promises to come.

Corniche poseurs dri...

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