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Every time I think I have become enlightened and can handle anything, a new challenge shows up to test me. Whether it's toxicity in my body, family illness or death, rejection of a lover, friend, stranger, job, point of view, whatever... ego is the first to show up on the scene, like a paramedic giving CPR to revive my pride. Pride dies, only to come back a little weaker next round, like a cat wit...

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agapeawarenessconsciousnesscosmic beingenlightenedenlightenmentnamastenatural lawnew worldphilosophyprose poetrystoicismthought

Dividing the corners (a prose poem - stream of consciousness type of thing) 97'



Five to nine and a horrible reality. Even the carpet thinks so (after yet another coffee mug spills with the ashtray), and probably the band that's jamming away in stereo, thinking smugly, that they're tomorrow's Beatles, selling out arenas to tomorrow's people.

Still it all seems quite reputable compared to the silver cutlery in the drawer next to the microwave, unpoli...

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prose poetrystream of consciousnesssurrealism

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