The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

planet earth (Remove filter)



Nothing was more of a tangerine hue

Than the lowlight of Manitoba this morning

The Winnipeg River calmed at the foot

Of its rapids and roaring

Kaylee never emerged from her tent

to see new shades

Or the vining philodendrons’ hearts

Curl and take shape

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planet earthprophecyfamily



holy frac
would you look at that
mother has cracks
in her back
she's being raped
for gasses that escape
fresh water being removed
to never again be used
makes her shake and quake
causing droughts as we bake
lava flows...sink holes
cars being swallowed
have marbellous countertops
so others ooh and awe
destroying the planet
taking her for granite
giving earth a hyster...

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planet earth


Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman





The mighty planet Earth slowly turns on its own axis through space.

There is only one planet Earth with all its myriad forms of life.

A lot of this life has been here long before Man, so long before.

When Man came he was the hunter in skins and fur.

Today he is the hunted by his own kind and the skin is burned from his back.

The planet is never c...

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planet earthplanet in spacelifeman is violent





Strange lights in the sky tell that something is wrong.

The continents are shifting and our planet is dying

in her ageless agony.

When the world splits open we will all perish

in Armageddon, but a new beginning will finally come.

It will take so long, maybe fifty million years

but who then will inherit the earth?

How long can man really stay he...

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planet earthdisastersevents

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