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nocturne (Remove filter)

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A Moon Shadow Nocturne

A play of light and  dark,
under the wan light of the moon plays with the skipping shadows of night's dance their bewitching saraband with the moonlight,
silver moonlight and darkness melt into one in the cool airs of the nocturnal bower of night,
the stars sparkle in the shadows far above the worldly cradle of man,
it is pure enchantment by moonlight,
a nocturne of moonlight and shadows me...

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nocturnesnocturnemoon shadowmoonlightmoonthe moon

Nocturne or the music of the night : Extended

The night is like music it is cool and crisp,
smooth and elegant,
the stars twinkle like music,
the moon sails across the sky like a music score,
the darkness is the beat of the heart listening to music or looking in the mystery which is the night,
the night enthralls like a sweet riff of music,
the beauty of the night is the music of the stars,
the ghostly light of night is like an aria so...

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Spoken Word poetrypoetrymusic and poetrynocturne

Return To Jungle Land

Return To Jungle Land


The windows are thrown open

Somewhere Springsteen’s ‘Jungle Land’

Spreads saxophone and horns

Into the humid north west air

There is sweat and naked flesh

In the room on Mountbatten Avenue

Where young love consummates

On white linen sheets


The rats have deserted the city

Where there are no restaurant takeaways

Cascading from backstre...

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anthem for the nightclarence clemonsday 17(78)jungle landnapowrimo2017nocturnenorth west cityspringsteen

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