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Only these remain

Anatomical remains.



Sites unearth




Only these remain

Skeletal remains.


Shellmounds disturbed--

Buried no more.

Bagged, tagged & stored

In a file cabinet drawer.


Only these remain

Ancestral remains.


Evidence that they

Existed here l...

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Native AmericansSan Francisco Bay Area U.S.A.fossil excavationtribe displacementviolation of burial sitescolonialism

Mother Earth

{Mother Earth} 


We honor mother earth to keep mother earth clean and to protect her from all the trash, toxins, killable gasses, oils that's polluting mother earth from sea to shinning sea and not to be polluted by this drilling with all this fracking that is supposedly all natural fracking but as mother earth only scream's out in bloody murder and sickening pain as you keep poisoning her ...

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Mother Earthnative americanspoempoetrywritinghonorcherokeeCherokee Nation

From Virginia

From Virginia


He sat and watched them

draw from pipes of bone and clay,

eyes closed in peaceful

meditation. Cast in clouds

of bittersweet transcendence.


I sat and watched him

turn into a hollow man,

wrapped in shrouds of grey.

His constant, shuddering, barks

cough your epitaph, Raleigh.

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walter raleighsmokingdeathcigarettesvirginianative americansepitaph

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