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doll (Remove filter)

She is... She is... A Plastic Doll

She wears a smile,

She carries a profile!

Look at her, she is so interesting…

She is the face, she is the charm

She is known as the new norm…

A picture of fascination,

A product of imagination,

She is… She is… A Plastic Doll.


Cheeks bright, And are they fed…

Crystal eyes and those lips red…

Colored streaks and the hair blonde.

She is the grace, so beautiful,


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dollbeautiful womanyoung lady

The Creepy Old House














In a creepy old house I

found a creepy old doll.

I bent to pick it up

and boy did I have a fall.


I stood up had a lump

on my head, but

otherwise alright.

I looked out the window,

day had turned to night.


I looked and looked but

did not find the doll.

I turned to leave and there

it was han...

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