death poems (Remove filter)
Broken Scarred Up Angel In Her
{Broken Scarred Up Angel In Her}
As she once was loved so much that she made being broken look easy to do and to live each day of her darkened scarred up dying life
And now she sits alone with regrets of what might have been but was never good enough for you or anyone
And as she cries alone in her cold darkened bed room which became her living grave of a death she h...
Monday 2nd July 2018 1:18 am
Death Warrant
{Death Warrant}
I have an active
warrant for my
scheduled death
that has been
killing me slowly
and painfully since
the day I was
conceived inside of
my mother's womb
And as these day's
fade into the darkest
longest hour's of the
lonely nightmares of
death lingering
around my sickened
weakened body until
I am a forgotten
chiari w...
Sunday 24th June 2018 10:59 pm
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