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death loss friend (Remove filter)

Spring's Duty ending

Smells of wild garlic, bells of dark blue
Grasses in seed, blossoms of cherry
The garden alive, in the song of spring
We'll take it slow and let you limp round
It's hot today and sun warms your old bones
Sit on this carpet of green to enjoy
Flop on your side, old man, if you please
Not even seen, Robin, picking your fur
Postman arrival is not even heard
So you can take, that well warrante...

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Petsdogs mans best friendsaddeath loss friend

A Letter to Your Grave

Mind's clouded with disbelief
Eyes raining with tears
I can't laugh

Mem'ries are vivid clear
I met you in another world,
A man-made world

Everyday waiting for the screen to light up
For you to hit me up
And talk all night long

Because we board the same boat
As we read the same book,
Fandoms never different

We board the same boat
In two diff'rent countries
Like we were in a pa...

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death loss friend

Difference between mundane and heavenly

I wrote a poem you'll never read
I'll sing a song you'll never hear
As the pictures on the wall starts to fade
As the dust invades the picture frames
And the seasons come and passed outside my window pane
I still hadn't learned a thing
Time passess as quickly as the clouds crossing from the endless of skies
Your name resonates in the eternal soul of mine
A mundane thing to do is to cry
A ...

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deathdeath loss friendlife after deathlovelove eternalLove lostlove poemslove poetryMurder death lovetogether after death


The flickering flame

in the dream of your eyes,

is a glimmer of life

in a darkening sky.


But little heat remains

to warm the weary hearts

of those so slowly left

bereft and torn apart


A chill wind blows a tear

across the cooling fires,

a rain of lasting love falling

softly through life's briars


A trickle of silent sorrow

leaving trails on shall...

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deathdyingreapersoullossdeath loss friend

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