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blue moons (Remove filter)

Is the moon blue?

Is the moon blue?

It turns its pale face to us;

Who knows whom its thoughts turn to.

It cannot cry, but only sigh in dust,

With no light of its own. Gasps thinly,

Too insubstantial for decay or rust.

Does it have unspoken sorrow of its own?

So it can only appear at night

And sometimes disappear, all alone,

And find solace in the dark unknown.

The sun burns away its ra...

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moonsadnessblue moonstragedy

(rewrite, repost) Amnesiacs

photo credit: Given Writers Retreat


Blue moods can lie

Or amplify truth

Colloid in regions of a soul

Blues gives reflections  

Like broken mirrors

We live under the gaze of poets

Calling us to task

Whispering in our ear

To be unafraid

To subdue cheerful robots 

To deliberate with happy slaves 

To refuse to wear yokes of shame

A blue deep as ...

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amnesiaback to Ablue moonsbroken mirrorsincense smoke

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