Lake District (Remove filter)
The Lakes
A trek I undertake 'neath summer's tender glow,
Where fells, by Wainwright sketched, beckon me to go.
Traversing paths of stone, now shattered and dispersed,
Each step unveils a vista, nature's grandeur unrehearsed.
Verdant hills cascade, a concert of green shades,
Rock of time's own hand, by icy sculptors made.
The fractures, deep and worn, map journeys tread before,
A lineage of travele...
Tuesday 7th May 2024 8:07 pm
Floating out on Windermere
Floating out on Windermere
Below the towering fells
Enveloped by the beauty here
And hosts of daffodils
Over the side of the little boat
Oars churn the placid lake
Where unexpected items float
To the Leven and the Crake
They meander through the baby trout
And clog their little gills
Of their origin there can be no doubt
Septic tanks and sewage spills
Sunday 3rd March 2024 5:56 pm
Walking into the light
The morning sun silvered the poplar leaves
Somewhere others lay in the cut clay
And I smelt the sea’s dead things
As I walked.
Kelp, razor shells, crabs, limpets
School friends swam and laughed in sandy craters
And there I was walking
By Goat's Water, the Old Man looking down
As he had for all my life
And all those other lives before
The smell of wet bra...
Thursday 9th November 2023 9:32 pm
The second peak
October 2020
Once we’d bagged the first we should’ve quit
but we are so elated
to make it safely down by noon
we press on like a perfect pair of twits,
sights set on a much-alike, elevated
cairn across the valley, reckoning soon
we’ll add another summit to our list.
We scale a gate which warns us to KEEP OUT!
and brave a barbed wire fence
before the grad...
Wednesday 20th October 2021 12:22 pm
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TobaniNataiella on Having a Bad Day.
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