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Floating out on Windermere

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Floating out on Windermere

Below the towering fells

Enveloped by the beauty here

And hosts of daffodils


Over the side of the little boat

Oars churn the placid lake

Where unexpected items float

To the Leven and the Crake


They meander through the baby trout

And clog their little gills

Of their origin there can be no doubt

Septic tanks and sewage spills


Floating out on Windermere

Where swans elegantly sipped

Ecologically it would appear

A balance has been tipped


A cloak of algae like a shroud

Suffocates life below

Which wanders briefly as a cloud

To expire in the effluent flow


Dead trout and eel and salmon too

No place for them to feed

Amongst the tampons, piss and poo

Of negligence and greed


Continuous as the Milky Way

Over the black lake’s fourteen miles

Where deadly cyanobacteria sway

Its presence here defiles


A sacred place that once did hum

With insects, fish and birds

Now stagnant under toxic scum

The by-product    - of turds

environmentriverslakesLake DistrictPollutionprotecting the environment. sewage

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R A Porter

Thu 7th Mar 2024 09:46

Thanks MC, Uilleam & Stephen (and of course everyone else who appreciated the poem) - Uilleam, I will be running around Coniston in 2 weeks in the Coniston 14.5 (wish me and the old knees luck!) I was prompted to post this as the water in Lake Coniston should finally be monitored by the EA from March 10th for bathing quality. Long overdue, but at least it looks like it’s happening - Windermere is monitored already at 4 locations. Only volunteers and local campaigning has enabled this to happen. You will probably find me in the Black Bull with a pint of Bluebird Best at the end of the run however, rather than in the lake!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 6th Mar 2024 12:11

"Too much, too soon" takes another damaging form., in these
cleverly constructed lines that damn the circumstances of how
such things come about in our beautiful land. This post should
be printed and displayed along the shores of every Lakeland
waterway. Water companies, even more than power concerns,
have a duty to serve, preserve and protect natural resources.
They can do well (the resurgence of our famous canal system is an example) but need to be held firmly to account when failing
elsewhere. Nature can cope to a certain degree, but it needs
constant care and oversight to safeguard a vital resource. We
must tolerate nothing less!

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 6th Mar 2024 06:58

RA, there is, I believe, a running race which follows the paths around whole perimeter of Windermere...a now fast receding dream of mine.
I can envisage the organisers of such events issuing Health and Safety warnings to paticipants: "do not enter the water"?
My God, the UK has literally become an open sewer!

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Stephen Atkinson

Tue 5th Mar 2024 22:42

A sad truth wonderfully penned. 👏

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R A Porter

Tue 5th Mar 2024 18:06

Thank you all, like many people I love the Lakes and was horrified to learn about the visible deterioration of Windermere’s water quality. If we can’t protect the Lake District (or indeed our rivers and chalk streams), what can we protect?

leon stolgard

Tue 5th Mar 2024 09:56

For me R.A. this poem is an awesome well constructively thought out poem cleverly inclusive of Wordsworthian tit-bits. 👍

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John Coopey

Mon 4th Mar 2024 21:36

I like the interweaving of the distasteful reality with Wordsworth's idyll.

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 21:48

The beauty of the rhyming and rhythm makes this polluted tragedy even more poignant. The perfect use of poetry, RA.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 3rd Mar 2024 20:01

Thanks RA.
An increasing problem there, and in all our waterways - it looks like Wordsworth's fears for the area were justified?
But let's not indulge in "the politics of envy" eh, those company directors are only trying to earn an honest crust!

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