The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ghost Train

Ghost Train


This is the ghost train that won’t make the Border, 

Bringing chaos and transport disorder

More cash for the rich, no help to the poor

Closed shops on the corner, all empty next door

Pulling up in Brum, the end of the line

Well over budget, stopped in time

No cotton grass or moorland boulder

No fast trains til we’re all a lot older

No student railcards o...

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HS2Trainshumour. politicsAudennorth to southnorthern town

HS2 Is Not Coming Soon

I am sorry to announce, 

but my long awaited

HS2 poem 

has been branded


and is at risk

of not coming out.



brutish reviews 

say it won't deliver

soon, and

a poetic replan

should cut the

quatrains to haikus.


My sonnets

run obsolete,


don’t complete,

and the limerick (below)

is the only...

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railwaysmissed opportunityHS2poetry

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