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Sadie the aquafox

Sadie the aquafox leaps from the lake

giving its body a shake

A boy throws a ball

the aquafox takes chase


The ball lands behind the shed

aquafox stretches its legs

across the bright green lawn

Zigging and zagging to fetch

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Snow Fields

The soft blown snow that fell five days ago

Crisp frozen now by these five frosty nights

Still blankets all the fields and moors to show

Where pheasant clattered off on noisy flights

While footfall of the lesser birds is scribed

Less deep; and here a small bank vole has run;

There passed red fox and rabbit side by side

Though time kept them apart and saved the one

At the wo...

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The Fox

You might see me in the back streets
By the light of the full moon
With my look refined and cunning
I will almost make you swoon
Don't treat me as an enemy
Or fear me as a foe
Don't use evil words against me
I'm a well-bred soul, you know
I'm a smooth, suave, refined old chap
A four-legged paradox
Oblige me for a moment, please
- I'm an urbane urban fox
You've seen me on my roun...

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A broken body, matted red,

tossed in the air by wailing hounds.

The quick, brown fox is spinning, dead,

amid the banshee bugle sounds.

The inane braying still abounds

when port is drunk and fables spill,

about the right of man to kill

an animal who, turning back,

stood proud and noble on the hill

and faced the crimson vermin pack.

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fox huntingfoxhunt

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