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A Women's Catharsis

I want to breathe

I want to cry

I want to live

I want to die

I want to stay out til' 7am

I want a boy that's heaven sent

I want a house

I want a car

I want to travel

But not too far

I want to laugh

I don't want to think

I want to pour myself a big fat drink

I want to dance

I want to fight

I want to see your face in morning light

I want to jump into t...

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The Feminist Friend

Everyone’s having babies

Everything’s just turned up a whole notch of crazy

They must just think I’m lazy

But I too, could really love a baby


Makes me feel quite stupid

I’ve never had luck with cupid

Life doesn’t come with a blueprint

But really did for you, kid


Never been dripping in diamonds

Couldn’t find a man to afford them

And even if he offered

I’d ...

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Freckled Shoulders

The red dust of Mars settles on my heart,

only her will can stop the thrashing of cymbals that call me to her.

Every cascade of flaxen strength undermines the facade of purity

but the tilt of her smile will resound everpresent.

Ablazen are her cobalt eyes, I draw strength from their tranquility

she could not know the foundation she raises the pyre of my love,

the freckled shoulde...

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When you left, you took a piece of my heart

When you left, my whole world came tumbling down

I became so lost

I was left in the dark

You took with you my light 

When you left, I learned to fight

I learned to navigate this world without you by my side

I learned to be strong to no longer rely on your love

You thought I was weak,

For feeling too much

Now, you're the one ...

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First Christmas

One whole year's

time emptied

Like lace leaves


From the cold trees

Skeletal wisps

You are missing 

attic tinsel 


Boxed deep and dusting

With bristles flaking

From the broken spine

So no silver lines 

Our crisp, black-branched pine.

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December Bones

Christmas fairy lights still dangle,
Plastic string of neon candles,
Hallowing the wreckage of the year.

Streaming ‘River’ on repeat
River Warbling marrow-deep

Wash away those spiteful, December bones.

From jigsaws sat on nickel knees
To whisky-nursing you in sprees,
Femurs first you left us piece by piece.

Frailty distils the waters
Trickles down through all your daughters


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bereavementChristmasgrandfathergriefjoni mitchelllove

Cinquain #2 (Tired)


of taming lions,

of dark, eyeless mileage,

of piloting this wondrous ark,

of you.

of dim-heart-riots

rotting fleshy timber,

of all the cages - rusting through 

and through..

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My last night, in the flat we almost shared

You've already left.

537 miles North of me, of us.

I'll ruffle up to join you in four (agonising) weeks 

but to my unconcerned shame, 

I'm too sad to sleep in that bed without you, too ungoverned.


Nostalgia, even the warm kind, is too much feeling for me.

Something about it has always made my lipids curdle 

and an unpleasant tickle cloud in my brain.


The street ou...

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lovelove poetrylove poemsjealousyrelationshipssleepless nightmoonLockdown


I don’t necessarily want to be like you

There are times when you drive me up the wall!

I thought I wanted to be friends with you

I thought that we were something that we we're not

The reason is that I want to be like you, not that I want you

I want to be able to turn my phone over when someone calls

I want to be had a look away and ignore that “ting”

I want to put myself first...

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friendshipinfatuationlovepoetry and mental health


This boy this man this Angel of mine
I say mine
This you are not
To me you are
A possession
I mean it not in that way
I dont own you
I am part of you and you me too
Two soles alight
Us two in flight
Or on sea..
We fly side by side
You sail with me
The water gets choppy
Weigh up the the waves
They carry us float
In air
bypassing clouds
We share
Our faith soft gro...

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Multiplytwoloveclose to youprayer

All The Things (Happy World Poetry Day!)

It being absolutely essential

To live our life to our potential

Drifting along, getting on by

Lazy ways to truth deny

Living this way being soul treason

Finding excuses, rhyme or reason

Looking away from where we should be

Closing our minds to our liberty

My reality took a while to sink in

Inner voice screaming, making a din

To be a poet my path to take

The safe li...

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Our Post people have connected us,
Through toil and love and loss,
Carrier Pigeons, magical storks
Delivering life to waiting Mums
Telegram boys of Shakespeare plays
Connecting lovers lost,
War-winning, code breaking messages
Relics of a past,

Suddenly more important,
Suddenly at all costs,
Suddenly irreplaceable,
Through the middle of this mess
 In the middle of our chaos...

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Astral World


I can’t breath, my lungs are burning 

Everything around me is twirling.

Everything inside me squeezes eminently, grabbing away my desire to live on.

I am filled with pain, till my last bone. 

My eyes are full of blood rivers.

He is dying in the roaring silence.



As I opened my eyes,

I saw dazzling stars dancing in the sunset 

It was as quiet as a de...

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A simple definition of love

My life 

The sky

Your smile

The high

My neck

The clouds

Your back

The crowds



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Wayward Souls

He kisses your shoulder, 

then your cheek. 

His touch makes your knees weak.

How do I know? 

Before you, and a dozen more,

it was me. 

Now, I’m a faded memory, 

as you will be. 

Don’t believe me? 

I too used to laugh at the absurdity. 

He could never leave me. 

As he grows older, 

his women get younger. 

Curiously, they look like me at 23. 

How cruel fate ...

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loverelationshipssoulmatesstar-crossed love

Todo el Tiempo

I think about you all the time,

without reason or rhyme.

You are like a tattoo,

on my mind. 

Todo el tiempo.

Enternal souls,


Dancing, dodging,

in this cosmos

for a little while.

Creating sparks of love, 

to lessen lonely nights,

and light up dark skies.


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loverelationshipssoulmatesstar-crossed love

My unworn dress

This morning, I played an old record
- the one you always turned off
Just to hear the music with my own ears
It had as much dust
As all the mornings I didn't listen to it
Because your ears didn't want to


Last night I wore that dress, the one you don't like
Just to see how it suits me
- through my own eyes
And when you saw me 

you told me I was beautiful


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loveout of loveperceptionrelativity


We lose each other once in a while
We find ourselves in others
most of the time
We may meet some, fresh living and brand new
Forget about the ones we lost, completing one another

Or, on the contrary, at times
We meet again - how different
Forget about the new ones
And turn our faces to the bits of ourselves
we have missed in each other

We live through people
I live through you all

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Traditional local vacations
Blackpool illuminations
Lighting up a town
Making dark nights bright
To lift spirits when feeling down

Dark so dark unable to see
Then you come along on a lighting spree
Sparks from you fly off to me
I now shine like a Christmas tree

Twin flame duo side by side
Glowing outward flames never ending
Together bright souls darkness mending
Shining brightest i...

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lovethe lightsoulmate

A love endless

Years ago, I heard about a love endless

Were the times,

When love was sprouting


Songs was inviting to fall in love

unbelievable love stories were written

The war had over

Giving passed to unexpected coming backs.


She was an adorable woman

Worthy daughter of his dedicated professor

He was a handsome man and brilliant student,

She was sweet, lovely, ...

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Demanding Women

I'm a believer in change

variety the spice of life

sex a classic example

my contortions are rife


dog-eared my manual

illustrations now faded

after years of practice

I'm still not too jaded


girls get the benefits

novelties they enjoy

nocturnal gymnastics

with an original boy


yet some do quibble

my antics not enough

not eager to trapeze

in ...

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sex manuallovebedstale


Must I hold back 

Hold back on saying 

Excel in doing 

For the words may be too strong 

Strong words can weaken this angelic 

Beautiful soul at times

At breaking point

To heavily love somebody 

Like I do you can put strain on the heart 

If one way 

But for love 

It to be returned 

A constant circle of security

A pure heart too pure for purity

No barrier


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LoveFrom the heart

Heaven and Hell

What is it that attracts us to other human being so much we can’t breathe?

What is that gate to heaven and hell?

What is it that attracts me to you?



Mutual confusion.

Eyes in the dark, like reindeers in headlights. About to live?

What was life? What was all that fear and anger? Sweat, trembling, catching breath so hopelessly.

So hopelessly lost in you. Forever.


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