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Special Girl

she has her own special way

of turning around my day

she makes all the bad things go away

the second she says hey.


when i look into her eyes

i see beauty with no disguise

just looking at her makes my heart beat rise

sweets i am telling no lies.


only if she ever knew

how much my love for her is true

now is the time to start something new

before all of this...

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Red Pearl

Red Pearl


You are such a beautiful woman and I spent my life trying to find you

as I look at the waters of the beach, so beautiful and so sparkling blue

but in the water, I see something shining and I see it staring at me

I must go get it, before it is too late

the wind is perfect and it is such a perfect day


I see it and I swam for it and I saw millions of diamonds


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lovepoetryaffectionlove passionbeach thoughts

She Died And I Died To

{She Died And I Died To}



She was a beautiful 
woman that I got
attached to very
quickly because she 
would write little 
poems that was like 
a visionary fairytale 
of what life could be
for me and her


But then my beautiful 
beauty got really bad 
sick as the day's 
passed into the 
darkest hours of the 
nights my heart was 
breaking into to see
her like this ...

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deathfictionfictional characterfictional piecelifelivingloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysicknessstoriesthinking out loudTina Glovertrue lovewordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

Hold Me


When my heart is in pain, the most amazing thing that could heal me

is if you stand behind me and hold me, the warmth of your body will sooth me

when you hold me, you heal my wounds and you heal my pain

and soon I will smile and see better days again

you may be the love of my life, but you are my true friend


I will always hold you in my arms and I promise to nev...

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lovepoetrylove poems


For Gwen, Anne and Eryl


In that happy heady grass-green Spring of my years

A time of lambent lamb slow lamb full days around a whited cottage

Lent us space and ease beneath the sun long sky

Golden glorious hours together in a single thought

With close chicken scrape and distant herd

When the swallows dipped to the fly buzz

When the kite climbed to a gliding speck


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countrysideWalesCambrian MountainsfarmsfieldssunnightstarsmoonpastoralcowssheephorsesloveEndymionSelene


The sweet words of deceiving lips she’s grown to despise
Her heart growing lonesome, from cold nights
Awaking with her man not by side
Mornings bring revelations of bitter truth
Her king claimed by another, same sad news
This endless cycle leading her heart to decay
Longing for affection yet only yielding rejection
If this is love I don’t want none...

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right now i miss you very much
this feeling inside that
i feel you will shrug off
for too much has happened
we've seen too much
done way too much
for this to matter to you
or me but it's there
right inside me
not going but residing
the feeling that i miss you
and we should of done more
gone to more places
cared for one another more
loved the other more
instead of fighting

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the lovers of time

the lovers of time

oh my dear lady 
i do love you
i don't want this to be a cliche
nor a drab love song
i want this to be for you you you
not anybody else

so sing me a song baby
a song of love
about how we met
and what we have
and who we are dear

we are the lovers
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
the lovers of time
how lucky we are
we have this time now
a thing that is...

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songfiction projectlovecharacters


Mystery man

Black coat

Full hat

Deep voice

Fishing net beard

Jungle beard

His eyes mapped my walk

Smiles every time he sees me

From the corner bar

He walks past me

Ask if he can take me

Dinner was amazing

Many sides

As another man sat next to me

Greeting parts of me

Being attentive to every part of me


Was messy

The taste was different as...

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Fifty miles apart

Texting seems further apart

Responding is like driving

Not feeling any closer, even though technology plays apart

Bratty I am

Possessive I’m not

We aren’t that many years apart

Mature thoughts speak with me

Showing interest and do want me

We don’t say much

Turtle motions travel cross our keys

Delayed response

Face to face

Infinities of words


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Love is strong

The fight in my heart

Stuck between two

I will need surgery and security

After, I tell her a story of love and why I can’t be with her

Only one can be with me

Triplets we aren’t

My love is equal

Internal and external

As it’s not a game

I waited too long

To say who is the survivor

Heart made of steel

Mounted closed

Some kind of way

Your st...

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Zodiac - cancer

i'm overly sensitive and also rather shy

i keep my thoughts to myself and hide when i cry

I notice that i'm an emotional wreck 

I moan a lot and i'm a pain in the neck

i wouldn't put up with anyone like me 

yet some how you do what is it you see?

Is it my certain skills like being able to cook?

Or is it because i enjoy other thing's like reading a book 

is it because i'm un...

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She Said.

Boy just take it easy
Boy just take it slow
Please don't give up now
You have so much further to go

Put that gun down boy
Step away from the ledge
All the demons your fighting
Don't have to stay in your head

Let me help you boy
Let me be your light
You and I together boy
We'll give 'em a hell of a fight

This is it boy
It's time for war
With me by your side
It'll be easier than...

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It’s raining rose petals from the sky

It’s raining rose petals from the sky

There’s no one around as the town walks by

Blossoms on every tree on a treeless city street

It’s raining rose petals from the sky


I walk around love struck

With my head so high in the clouds

It’s a wonder I can see anything at all

It’s raining rose petals from the sky


If I'd wrote of all of my feelings

From a sea of Ink on ...

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Love Poemlovepoem

Girl Love Stars

Girl Love Stars
As one 
My Hayabusa girl 
Air force
War sky fight on till my end!
Hold my hand
Love my heart
Gal stars wife dear
I love you always
Always always always
Stay close
Till we meet again
Gal with the stars
Happy th...

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Buying each other pointless things

chocolates flowers diamond rings

In the hope to share our love

But still it feels it's not enough

We could just forget it 

and we wouldn't regret it 

But those feelings i have make me want to share

love you show you how much i care

It's strange how without you i feel so alone

makes me weep cry and moan

I'm to emotional and sensitive


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cuteheartlovelovelysweetvalentinevalentines day


O, where roams your delicate soul

Does it yet travel the seas

                gliding afar with the Arctic tern

                or is its delight in quieter waters

                in dappled river pools or streams

Is it content to rest in the cool damp shade of the willow

watching minnows play

                diving among the nymphs

                and sacred lotus



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Alcedo atthisAtthiscalmdesireHalcyonHylasKingfisherlosslovepassion

Driving Through Cromwell Hill Road

A house is built from bricks and glued
Together to create shelter renewed
A skeleton protecting organs hidden inside, 
Waiting for a family to live and reside
Seasons pass and storms blow by
Damage accrues despite how hard it tries
To keep flawless and perfect, societies dream
From beauty to beast, becomes unseen
"I am ugly, marred, broken- why bother trying?"
My purpose is futile, my fut...

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Right Here

Right here,
Staring at the dusk,
Where we both withered,
Ashed into the wind,
A gentle breeze of the night.

Right here,
I no longer wait,
Walking along with gloom,
Brushing away each yesterday,
Stitched and crossed the torn.

Right here,
I watch every fall,
Of the tree's threads,
Reaching the depths of my wounds,
The last tear drop awaits.

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Erotic Naughty Girl Poem

{Eroitc Naughty Girl Poem} 



Chain me up and put a collar around my neck and then you command me to sit down on my plumped ass and then you are telling me to follow you and then you are telling me to beg you for harder punishment like a dog and then you are yanking on my chain and then you are telling me to climb up on the bed and then pulling out the leather whip then you spank my ass...

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EroitcfictionallifelivingloveNaughty poetryOne_Pissed_poempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwriting stories


Those love letters from the seventies

I could not bear to read again

and could not bear to throw


Those airmail forms

those tortured lonely twelve page laments

that I read and read so many times

in my cabin off Cape Town,

in Melbourne and Sydney:

So many words

So  much love


But in the end

They were just ash

And I scattered them


Ashes to her ashe...

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letterslove letterlove


She wanted to put her hand in his back pocket
And run her fingers through his spiky hair
He wanted to help her wear that heart shaped locket
He wanted to. . .but all he could do was stare

He wanted to take that hand and peck it
And hold onto her tiny waist
She wanted to touch his eyes that for her lit
She wanted to. . .but her eyes knew not the case

Their eyes lowered and
Unaware they...

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Only Connect

Only Connect


We don’t want to be alone…


But our deepest relationship is with our phone

Like a dog with a bone, checking the tone.

We swipe and we flick,, we tick and we post,

Poking, retweeting, who likes us the most?

We turn on the roast, we like and give stars,

But end of the day, do we know who we are?


This ain’t how it could be,

It’s wrong, do you see?


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my frail hands reach for you,

my heart possibly reaching too.

you are my felicity, 

the feelings you strike inside me stronger than electricity.

I truly do love you,

but I'm scared you won't stay true. 

nevertheless, I still want us to have a everlasting rendezvous.

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loveend rhymesLonginglove longing distancelovedmissingher


He did wrong

One time, that was all she needed to prove her right

Forgave him on the outside

On the inside, he was concentrated

Their home became a jail

Not forgetting what seemed like yesterday

But years old

She sang the song, oh I forgive you

But reminded him

You are stuck with what you you’ve done

But, he asked you to forgive, as she did

He proposed hoping to st...

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Post the day to rest and I.

Gentle night come lullaby.

Whisper to my ear and kiss my eye.

Set free the stars to reign the night,

And wash away the day’s goodbye.

Cover me, let my dreams take flight.

Bring to me my love rejected

From my night reverie selected,

For days love dejected.

Entangle my cataleptic bed,

With visions of life that I’ve corrected.

Let her kisse...

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