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Dear Santa,

Dear Santa, 


I've been extra good this year



All I want is a cure for my

rare brain disease because

see Santa I was given this

disease before I left my

mothers womb so long

ago now



But life since that time has

been up and down daily like

a rocking roller coaster riding

throughout a non-stoppable

hurricane that is enough to

drive one ...

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Merry ChristmasCure Chiariwritinglifelovelivinghappy new yearchristmas wishesTina GloverStoriesshort stories



Love isn't easy to do 

Love can be a nightmare

that follows you

throughout your life 

Love can rip your heart

apart if you trust in

someone who says or

claims that they love you

when in fact they don't

or never did 

Love is a tangible

unmistakable hurtful

lie of your life 

Love can leave one down

in the dumps when

someone rips your


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lifeloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrystoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwriting out loud

The Everescents Of A Killing Killers Mind

{The Everescents Of A Killing Killers Mind} 


The sweet temptation

that fills that voided

lingering taste that

alines my lips

leaving me thirsting

and wanting and

needing more

pleasurable killings

that's filling that

extra void that's

slowly filling my

soul like the sounds

of the hellish hell

blood hound's coming

to drag your sorry

carcass thro...

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Darkened poemsdarkened poetryfictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpoempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwriting out loudwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

? To My Husband ?

{? To My Husband ?}



To my fabulous husband,


Sweetheart I think God for blessing me with you 


because you have had my back when my own family didn't have my back 


and I set here remembering all the love made with so much hot burning passion between us and when and how we found each other off Myspace so long ago now but I will never regret that because that day w...

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One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

Face To Face With Us

{Face To Face With Us} 




My white and tan face fades, 

hiding inside of this grayish black smoke. 

I knew they'd use it against us, 

dammit; the tear gas is filling the blue skies around us and as the rub bullets flies past our heads. 

I'm grown I make my own decisions to fight this fight. 

I'm fresh like I just rolled out of bed.

Their clouded misguided assumpti...

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Lifelivingpoemworld around usprotestersSocietystorieswritingwordy queenpoetry poetryshort poemsshort storieswriting out loudTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

I See So Clearly

{I See So Clearly}



Well I set here with

all this shame and

guilt of what I've

done but nothing

can never undo the

hurt I have caused




And lord knows

I hate myself for it 


And how I was

so wrong 


And I hope one day

that you will be able

to forgive me for

my hurt and damage

and tears and pain I have

done and ...

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Poempoetryfictional piecewriting short poemswriting short storieswriting short poetrywriting out loudstorieswordy queenhurting poemshurting poetrylifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

My Illusion's

{My Illusion's} 


I am having back to

back illusion's of you 


And I'm wishing and

seeing you in the faring

clearing distance of the

hot burning desert

sands of our life

packed into an hour

glass bottle


And as the sands of

time starts to run out

for us I look a little

bit closer and I see

you slowly disappearing

once again from my sig...

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fictional characterfictional piecelifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwordy queenwriting out loudwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

I Maybe Fragile

{I Maybe Fragile}



I maybe fragile but I am

me I will battle back

with all I have inside 

of me until I no longer

can continue my battle 



And just because I

am fragile doesn't mean

that I will break if you

touch me 



And I may get a little

bit but more than likely

nothing will happen

so don't be alarmed

and afraid of me or


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learninglifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

He Tried To Destroy Her

{He Tried To Destroy Her}



He tried to destroy her by his sneaky little secrets and little lies that he kept hidden deep down until that dark day she found out about all of his hidden dark secrets that's when her world came unglued 


because she gave her all to this man and then return only thing she ever got was just his lies and dishonesty and secrets and his cheating ways t...

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fictional characterfictional piecehurtlieslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrysadnessstoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

I Am Not Okay

{I Am Not Okay}



I am not okay
I am not happy
I am not sure if I want my life to continue on living this freaking nightmare 
I am not beautiful 
I am the one everyone calls the ugly duckling 
I am a incurable plagued person 
I am depression
I am suicidal 
I am a lost cause 
I am hurt 
I am pain
I am sickness
I am a invisible person that no one attends to see beyond the sick...

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PoemspoetryTina Gloverwriting short poetrywriting short storieswriting short poemswordy queenlivinglifesadnesssicknessillnessesinvisible diseasesstoriesfictional characterfictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Why~Why Did I

{Why~Why Did I} 



Why did I love you
Why did I care for you so much
Why did I you break my heart into for 
Why did you promise me the world and to be your  forever queen and all I got was these washed out bull shit lies and dreams from you that rings out loud inside of my head that I wish was freaking dead 
Why~Why did I 
Why did you leave me in this unforgettable heartache to dro...

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fictionalfictional characterfictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoemspoetryTinaGloverwriting short poemswriting short poetrystorieswriting short stories

When You've Took Away All My Will Power

{When You've Took Away All My Will Power}




When you've took away

all of my will power as a 

human being and as a

woman as well I have 

lost my dignity I feel 

ashamed of myself

constantly I feel like that

I have to hide my real

self and I have to hide

my face and my body

from everyone because

I might not meet their

standards and that you


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hurting heartsheart felt poetryheart felt poemsheart felt storieswordy queendeep poemsdeep poetrypoempoetrywriting short poetrywriting short poemswriting short storiesstorieslifelivingpainTina Gloversad poemssad poetryfictional characterfictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

The Darkness From Within A Gothic Soul

{The Darkness From Within A Gothic Soul} 


The darkness within us

is feeding us constant

painful death cries that

sometimes sound's so bitter 

sweet to our ears as they slowly

bleed red-white-blue while

being covered in blackish

gothic tattoos 



But as the silent lies makes

us want to continue to cry out

in that gothic tattooed pain as we

merely t...

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dark poemdark poetryfictionfictional characterfictional piecelifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrystoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwordy queenwriting dark poemswriting dark poetrywriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

She Knows

{She Knows} 



She knows she's sexy,

She knows how

to get your 

motor running

and keep it 

humming, She's 

always sexy, 

even on her 

worse day's

when she thinks 

she looks her

worse and

still she is my 


of sexy 



©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 26,2018 


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lifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrypoetry almanacsexinessshe knowsstoriesthinking out loudTina GloverWordy Queenwriting short poemswriting short poetry

To The Past

{To The Past} 



Here's to my 

past for the 

one's who 

thought they 

knew me well 

I can actually

say to you that 

you can kiss my

ass and please

go straight to 

hell for the 

last and final 

damn time




©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 26,2018

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humorous poemOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Wtiter/Tina Gloverhumouroushumourous poetrylivingpastPoempoetry lifestoriesthinking out loudTina Gloverwordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

This Hard Cold Piece Of Steel

{This Hard Cold Piece Of Steel}



This hard 

cold piece 

of steel gives 

my heart




that you

cold never 





©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting on February 26,2018 

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humorouspoempoetryhumorous quoteslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverQuotestoriesthinking out loudTina GloverWordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

She Died And I Died To

{She Died And I Died To}



She was a beautiful 
woman that I got
attached to very
quickly because she 
would write little 
poems that was like 
a visionary fairytale 
of what life could be
for me and her


But then my beautiful 
beauty got really bad 
sick as the day's 
passed into the 
darkest hours of the 
nights my heart was 
breaking into to see
her like this ...

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deathfictionfictional characterfictional piecelifelivingloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysicknessstoriesthinking out loudTina Glovertrue lovewordy queenwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

When I Am A Sleep Or Awake

{When I Am A Sleep Or Awake} 


When I am a sleep or awake I dream of you all the same 




©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer Originally written in 2016 but posting here on February 15,2018 





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awakedreamdreaminglearninglifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemshort poetrySleepstoriesTina Gloverwriting

Erotic Naughty Poems

(Eroitc Naughty Poems)




He walks in from work with his shirt draping off his rock hard body that has me looking straight at him in his eyes while locking on with his eyes then I start to twist and bitting my tongue and lips while licking them wanting to taste his body on my lips and you can't take it anymore I get up walking over to him while doing a sexy stripper walk dance while...

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eroitc poemserotic poetryfictionfictionallearninglifelivinglove poemslove poetrylovers poemslustful poemsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrysexual desires poemsstoriesthinkingthoughtswriting

Erotic Naughty Girl Poem

{Eroitc Naughty Girl Poem} 



Chain me up and put a collar around my neck and then you command me to sit down on my plumped ass and then you are telling me to follow you and then you are telling me to beg you for harder punishment like a dog and then you are yanking on my chain and then you are telling me to climb up on the bed and then pulling out the leather whip then you spank my ass...

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EroitcfictionallifelivingloveNaughty poetryOne_Pissed_poempoetrystoriesTina Gloverwriting stories

He Plays Cat And Mouse Games

(He Plays Cat And Mouse Games) 




​​​​​​As he chases me and many 

more women because

he likes to play 

little cat and mouse game's with me 

but I am tired of running away 

from him and now 

you have all the other women that you are chasing



Because I am gone 




And we will not

have no more

playing cat and

mouse game's

for me...

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good-byehurtful poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetrylivingreality bites poetrysad poemssad poetrystoriesTina Glover

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)



My heart is hurting because I left something extra special behind in beautiful Havana 




​​​​​​He was a tall tan skinned man that was a tall glass of water that kept thrusting for him day and night and I think I am about ready to lose my mind because of that man in Havana 



And as I need and want Havana to appe...

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fictionfictionalpoempoetryHavanahimlifelivinglove poemslove poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverstoriesthinking out loudthoughtsTina Gloverwriting

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie)

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #49 (Doobie-Doobie) 





When the doobie-doobie drugs don't work any more girl you are just a fool if you think love don't hurt because hot damn it does that's why one more blow to sniff until I cannot breathe 

And when the doobie-doobie-doobie don't work any more as one more sniff and one more puff and popping one mor...

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drugsfictionfictionalhurtlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpainpoempoemsPoetrystoriesthinkingthoughtsTina Gloverwriting

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