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gammon (Remove filter)

It’s Christmas in the Asylum (belated version)

This poem is based on a story which appeared over Christmas, and which was taken to be true!

AWOL = absent without leave


The Christmas gammon have gone spitting mad,

they think asylum seekers are going AWOL

for Christmas: yes here in the UK it’s that bad,

with nothing around here but strife and trouble,

that’s why those “foreigners” want to go home!

Gee Beebie News are ha...

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Chrismus in t’ Asylum

T’Chrismus Gammon have gone spittin’ mad,

‘cos t’asylum seekers are gooin’  AWOL

fer Chrismus; aye, here in t’UK it’s reet bad,

there’s nowt reawnd ‘ere but strife on’ trouble,

so t’forinners‘re seekin’ asylum back whoam!

Gee Beebie News‘re ‘avin’ a meltdown,

they’re at it like rabid dogs wi’ a bone,

parliament’s an asylum, on’ t’loons‘re in charge,

con wi not send ‘em t’li...

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Christmasgammonasylum seekers

The Dishonours List or The Polishing & Flushing of Sundry Richard IIIrds on the 9th of June 2023

The Dishonours List


The  Polishing & Flushing of Sundry Richard IIIrds on the 9th of June 2023


It’s said that he ran; or perhaps he was pushed?

Is the admiring herd now immune to his sleaze?

Will the Çee U Next Tuesdays be finally flushed?

Perchance we may dream of not swimming in fæces!


There’s a proverb of old:‘One can’t polish a turd’;

An impossible task...

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Richard the thirdCharles the thirdgammonunicornsPinnochio

BBC (Brexit Benefit Compilation)

More Gammon Imports!!!!!

Project Fear!!!!!





























































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