The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

death (Remove filter)


Husband, father, brother, son.

Just for another day. 

Another day you'd see the sun, 

shining bright through clouds. 

Today the day was nice.

Only that you weren't there. 

Will be more such days, 

but you will never see the sky again. 

Now there is silent, suffocating heat. 

In the heart cold darkness lays.

As cold as metal shue shelf, 

which you were hanging from....

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Day of Death

The neighbour's cat
brought a mouse into our garden
four limbs twitching
And from that jaw, those claws
I performed a rescue
but it was all for naught
and I tucked that little life
on the compost stack
hoping it found a comfy spot
to shuffle off

Out walking that same afternoon
on the pavement, on the path
a squirrel who'd tried to fly
but kissed the curb
such a sad sight
as I stro...

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I Am Your Friend

I am death and I am your friend

I will be at your side when you meet your end

I’ll be there to lead you down the sacred path

You’ve always known

You must have been told

For everyone meets me in the end.


I’m not to be laughed at

And neither should you fear me

But either way you and I shall meet

Better to meet me with a smile, however worn

After all our meeting was...

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Mind Neuroplacebos

Just thinkin' of that night,

Colors of black and crimson red,

And the 5 liters of blood and byle

That I internally shed,


It's a miracle that I'm alive,

Cause I should be dead,

Battling the depression sucks,

Sometimes it's hard to get out of bed,


Only God knows the everyday duels

With the devil I fight inside my head,

The people that I've hurt,

And the thi...

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The subconsciousdepressiontraumaSpiritualitymoralsGodlifedeathwealthpoor


Don't ever say it's over
If we are breathing
Racing to the moonlight
Baby we are speeding

Got you from that heaven
I'll be up even for a 1000 nights
from those days to our years
Be ready we'll be taking flights

Keeping love in this young heart
as I would ever dream of
can't even close my eyes
as this reality is even better than I dreamt of

Like both sides of the sun
scorches and...

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Remember me

Remember me 

for even I'm far away 

Keeping our love alive

I'll never fade away


Think of me

Don't let it make u cry

Just a little longer 

I promise we'll eventually defy


Feel me

When scared just close ur eyes

I'll always hold u in my heart 

I'll make u fly all those skies


Believe in me

I'll be yours in all my lives

for the love we have


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It's not living if it's without you, my love

what about this feeling inside,

the warmness coming from a song by that dove.


and if it's not living if it's without you love,

then I'll keep hearing that song

Just from your dove.


*here, dove means heart.

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My princess

The feeling of grief is scary,

so do i used to think.

Seems special thinking about her up all

Can't get her out even when I blink.


                   she keeps the secret in her eyes,

                   even when she's in a hurricane.

                   doesn't let's me tangle in those sights,

                   not giving up in her arcane.



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Will you kiss me

Kiss me, will you kiss me,

Under the deep blue night,

Make it long, make it last,

Make it so right.

Embrace me, will you embrace me,

Deep in the moonlight,

Make it strong, make it warm,

Make it so tight.

Stay with me in this moment here,

Please don’t ever leave me,

Your the only girl I’ll ever want,

Yours, I shall eternally be.

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I promise

You gave me sunshine, 

when I had only rain,

You brought me happiness,

 when I only knew pain.


You gave me light, 

when darkness filled my world,

You beautified my life, 

when you became my girl.


I want to hold you in my arms,

So you can feel my heart beat.

I will embrace you so deeply,

That our two souls shall meet.


I want to kiss you so sweetly,


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These suicidal thoughts are like music to my ears,


The requiem of death which only my soul can hear.


Grief synchronises with a melody to heighten my fears, 


A harmonious tune crafted from the anguish I have suffered for years. 


I impatiently wait for my final outro to play,  so I can permanently disappear.

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The Burden of Sight

I see it  in your eyes!
You have fallen into the trap of age
Your eyes are becoming deem
The sparkle I used to admire has faded
You've seen too much
That you have internalized it all
You let it play everytime you close your eyes
You've let the burden of vision
Fast-forward your days

Didn't we say we will stay the same?
You promised that we wouldn't get old
We would always turn misfort...

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life thoughts

Why is it that when I'm surrounded by the most people, 

I feel the most alone?


That when I think of the billions of other 




I feel a pit in my stomach,

swallowing me up from the inside, 

overpowering me with all-consuming darkness. 


How can a single grain of sand 

feel remembered,

when it looks the same 

as billions of others?


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deathlife after deathmy lifeNature

You Will Never Know

Do you have questions,
Ones that could not possibly be answered?
The assurance of peace,
I suppose now I must find solace in the unknown,
That perhaps ignorance could be my silver lining.
It is not.
Nightmares take shape from loose ends,
The brain defaults to fear when it must assume.
Fear circumvents my ambition,
How can I continue,
When I will never know?
My focus limited due...

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adult topicsdeathpeacefamily





The way the lightning taunts me

makes me cower in my home

folded paper walls surround

as the rain falls on and on


Here I'm warm

with comforts near

More than enough

so safe and dear 


Still, I can't evade the storm

as it pours

it pelts

it blows

into my pillow

quiet grief

spirals from within my soul




Tuesday E...

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The Souls Of Three

What is it that drives my fear 
The way it’s Scaring me 
Is it my last breathe, with family near 
Inviting death to see 
With no other thought, than not to take
My family and their own souls of three 

I saw my life and my wife’s life 
In a kingdom of the light 
And angels wrapped their wings 
that held and gripped us tight 
With a choir that peacefully sing 
I could see my children wi...

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parental nightmaresNightmaresdeathAnnabelle Lee

Kachō-Ōji (課長王子)

Close your eyes,

It's okay you won’t feel the pain anymore.


Close your eyes,

You can rest, no more fatigue or feeling sore.


Close your eyes, 

This will be quicker than waiting for a cure.


Close your eyes,

It's time to meet the Angel of Death to relieve you from all that you've endured.

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One Year, Daddy

My dearest Daddy,

It's already been an entire year since the Angels up above wrapped you in their wings and reserved a first class ticket to have God himself share your life story with everyone and have you reunite with your parents. It feels like you were just here yesterday...but that was so many yesterdays ago...

I am devastated
I am in disbelief
I am broken
I am scarred for life


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