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Hope (Remove filter)

It Fits

It fits.
It just simply does.

My arm fits behind your head,
as we lie on the bed, in the glow.

Your head on my shoulder,
comfortable and light.

It fits.
It just does.

Staring at the ceiling;
at the cobweb on the fan.

Nobody cares. There are no thoughts,
just reverie, and peace. Just to be.

It fits.
It just fits.

This life with you,
and who we are.

This growth togeth...

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The sun rises
watched it more than once
listen to birds
sing their songs
the sound of rustling
in the song of the wind
the smell 
and close to the ground
branches creaking
from the weight of 
all alone
I've watched the sunrise
watched it many times
yet this time
as the sun crests
the mountain ever yonder
I hear the footsteps
light and crisp
sure but unsure

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Darkest Times

In the darkest times, there is always a light,

Someone who will hold you, or just sit with you,

when you are feeling doubt.

Maybe it's a person? Or maybe it's a dog? who looks at you with non-judging unconditional love,

and makes you know everything will be alright!

That makes you put  on your armour and continue to fight,

Because warriors might lose battles and even have scars,


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We must never be ruled by our circumstances.
We must follow our hearts and follow our chances.
No matter how hopeless. No matter how late.
Know that we are special and we can become great.

We must also know that hope does exist.
So know that we are free and this will persist.
Take down those books from our mind's bookshelves
And ponder those wise words as we read to ourselves.


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Stuart VannerBeliefHope


I found my bliss 

Heading south on the A23

She’s a rollerskate

He’s a magnet 

Like the easy way 

Water slides down your throat. 


Me, a pearl of existence 

Gently cooking in this black car 

Heat. From July. Discomfort 

In the way my baths

Are always stifling. 


A glissando of tyres 

Droning down to the coast 

Under a weatherless sheet 

Of baby blue...

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Keep shinning

Yea, life's indeed beautiful,

Though the acceptance is not necessary.

The situations are hurtful, 

Yet the realisation is mandatory.


Life is somehow like a fairy tale book,

Everything is going on by hook or by crook.

But after a while, take a look, 

Not mesmerized, but the beauty will leave you shooked.


Yea,your life is somewhat miserable, 

And in process of cu...

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The Garden

The barbs of your tongue

Cut me to shreds

Unpicking my mind's 

Most delicate threads 


So I weaved myself words

From the pit of my soul 

To replace all the light

And the joy you had stole


Then I ripped myself free

From your talons of spite

Spilling ink upon page

Under dawn's weary light


And I bled, intravenous 

Through roots of my mind 


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When you looked me in the eyes, I wanted to feel your love

To feel the love that you said, was gone

I wanted to believe with all my heart that you would come back...

I wanted to believe that I could be enough

I wanted to believe that we could grow together but the truth is, it was all an illusion created by a stubborn heart,

Instead, I let you close and you hurt me, broke me, and ra...

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Anxiety...My Friend

As this feeling
I feel in my chest
Eats away
My soul
And the emotions
it produces
I stop to wonder
When will it go
Is my best friend
My closest enemy
Is there
For me
And asks one million
Placing un-needed
Within my mind
The intentions
Of those around
My friend
Please let me be
I do not
Need you

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I wanna look out 

my window

I wanna go where 

my thoughts go

But I can't get out of 

my bed though


I'm lonely

A sad little 

one trick pony

Waiting for someone 

to phone me

To tell them this condition

don't own me


I dream about

Simply getting up 

and walking out

Seeing what this beautiful

world's about 

Filling my lungs and


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To The Future

If you find yourself with awful luck.
And that in the deepest hole are firmly stuck.
If you feel from it you'll never rise,
That the world is cruel and harsh in your eyes.

If you feel there'll never be a tomorrow,
And you'll never leave your path of sorrow.
If you feel your life has no point or reason,
And it's loose ends will never find completion.

You must know that life is always ch...

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Stuart VannerThe FutureHopeDespair

The Sorrows

Its spine slithered, snake-like 

around the corpse of my soul

Her withered tongue extracting 

from life , what I had stole 


Come scream!

Come scream!

For the beast must be seen! 

Come swallow 


For there is 

no tomorrow !


Such a flaying shall occur

In the pits of our despair !


Creeping, seeping

Rotting eyes weeping!


The ol...

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Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong

A teacher....

Teach your students colors,shapes, letters, numbers, teach them about life, and now keep them safe from guns

Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong, remember you are a teacher

Teach your students to not be afraid, yet in your heart you know the world is again...

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teachermass shootingschildrenloveeducationtearssadnesshopeteachhoplessnesssafeemotionsstudents

Fingers Crossed.. a poem for our times

Fingers Crossed

The buds now open, sun dispels the dark

The nights of bat give way to morning lark.

And as we emerge, blinking, into the light,

Brim full with fright, and delight,

Apprehensive, yet pensive of all we have faced

And what may lie ahead, braced

Despite it all, against the odds

We hold hands aloft, with fingers crossed.


When threads seem thin which hold...

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My life seems all about living in shadows broken words wounded heart thoughts that have turned hollow At every age the shadows returns From care to fear they keep turns

They are sometimes my friend sometimes my foe sometimes they are just living next door

Though these shadows do come handy at times When we need them they do just fine At times they are a heavy burden At time...

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I think I need a jacket
It's getting very cold
I'll have a look online
It's very easy, so I'm told

I'm not sure that I like it
It feels like it's quite forced
As I swipe through all the options
But there's some I like of course

The first one was suitable,
The pockets just too shallow,
Number three felt like a winner,
Better suited to another fellow

I sometimes sit and...

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Lovehopesad poems


Sometimes justice does not prevail,
And life becomes unfair.
Sometimes the hardest workers fail,
And hope turns to despair.

Sometimes we see the fat cats thrive,
And the little people do then suffer.
Sometimes the careless do survive,
While judicious lives do become tougher.

Sometimes punished are the good,
While the sinful are rewarded.
Sometimes the best are misunderstood
And the ...

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Stuart VannerJusticeHope

Lost Love

To hold you in my arms one last time

To feel your touch even though I knew you weren’t really mine

To feel your lips touch mine and again feel your love 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing I could bring you back 

Hoping, dreaming, wishing to fix this shattered heart

But a touch, a kiss, my love wasn’t enough 

You’re not coming back 

You’ve chosen 

And it’s clear now

Your love is ...

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Lovegodbrokenhealinghopedreamswishesbroken dreams

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