suicide (Remove filter)
tiny bits
tiny bits
WTF did oxford pilot do in the flying abortion he was flying? that question i ask. the darker part of war. that the villagers state is true, the answer. did the canadian pilot DELIBERATELY RAM the german hornisse heavy fighter? no of course not. the oxford broke apart under 20mm cannon fire. and the kraut was hit by debris. but the locals said he knew the hornisse would...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 2:34 am
in my cupboards
skeletons hang
still mouths strangers to the songs they sang
I take them out
bone-dry and hoar
wan skulls shorn of the locks they wore
pelvic sculptures
sharp as a blade
silent shrines to hectic love they made
bereft of flesh
that lit my fire
no lithe joints but threads of thin wire
hot tears drop on
memories clean,
Monday 25th October 2021 10:41 am
The thought of you alone, only a spirit no physical mechanisms to communicate although I suppose you thought that through?
Maybe you were born knowing and it was your purpose a secret between God and you
Maybe you tried so hard to ignore the pain
Scared of your thoughts fears of insane
Did you know something that no-one else did
Had this planned since you were a kid ?
Wednesday 7th April 2021 3:57 pm
The patient
"You have been here a few days now",
"Since Saturday", she replied
"And why did you come in here?"
"Because I attempted suicide"
She didn't have any worries,
She wasn't sad or happy,
It was blank, emotionless state,
Nothing to do, nothing got her interest,
Now been quite a few time living through this noiseless rhyme,
It was like a vegetative state, living in her mi...
Friday 19th February 2021 6:15 pm
Broken Friends
(Originally song lyrics for a friend, wrote after the tragic suicide of Chester Bennington)
Broken friends
In the backstreets of my mind
I kicked a ball against a wall
It bounced into a neighbours yard,
Where, I cut my hand upon a shard
of glass that glittered in the sun,
Into my mind again I'd run
And wake within this broken life
Upon my wrist I held a kni...
Saturday 9th January 2021 2:26 pm
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