The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

freedom (Remove filter)

Blue Cow Delight

How could it be a cow blue as the sky

if it had wings I’m sure it would fly

and what of its milk they said chocolate was

served only on full moon simply because  

the taste so delicate went straight to the head 

with special powers even turning grass red

but of blue cows and moons 

both can’t be found soon

takes a special kind of eye  

in the right type of sky  

so th...

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Although I'm super safe harness goggles well wrapped

Ear plugs in windproof attire snug secure no gaps 

Fast heart irregular beat 

Sweaty palms cold feet

Safe yet frightened 

Amplified fears senses.. heightened 

Here goes make way 


Highest cliff 

Beautiful surroundings 

So so high

Have to look down to see the birds fly 

Blinded almost by clouds 

Ears ...

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flyingfreedomParaglidingvertual reality

End of Restrictions

We all long for when restrictions end.
Times have been tough but we're on the mend.
Our freedom - it cannot come too soon.
Now together we may sing a joyful tune.

Life for us all must now improve.
For face masks we may soon remove.
And there's something for which many yearn,
That's for nightclubs and discos to return.

Social distancing will be abolished,
And the metre rule is to be de...

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FreedomLockdownRestrictionsStuart Vanner

Come Work In Our Factories

Long hours spent toiling the land, his family had done for generations.

Living in tune with the seasons, never thinking of other occupations.

Farmers his father and grandfather before him had been, what else to be?

Of his sons he was proud, he said “one day you will take over from me”.


Come work in our factories, leave your village, leave your land.

Come work in our factories, ...

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Two minds, souls and spirits connect to become one 

Both energies Intertwined to give off a synergistic frequency into the ether 

Two hearts beating to the same drum

Speak it into existence and he/she shall be drawn to you

Like two magnets finding their centre

At times the pull might not be perfectly aligned but in the end you will always find your way back to each other.


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Entitled to Love

They tell us;
“You are not entitled to anything.”

But, somehow we feel that’s wrong.

The birds have food,
the beasts have water;
and they can find a mate.

They tell us;
“The world is harsh,
it hands you nothing.”

But, humans seem to make it worse.

Your rules, and laws and boundaries of the mind;
enslave us to earn a dollar,
while you stand and jeer and watch.

They tell...

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The Wade

Cowards follow the crowd,

Cows follow the herd.


Lion comes sudden,

and wins the crown.


Timid follows the shown way

Night repeats after day.


Bees find the flower,

and bring honey to the hive.


Spite  spreads the rumour

Virus boons an outbreak.


Terns cross the oceans,

Prudent values vision.


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Lockdown Fatigue

Quick scribble. I just want to be the squirrel in the tree outside my window today. I've had enough. 


Up and down the Ash trees,

Round and round they go,

Unaware, oblivious,

Of these troubles that we know,

No Coronavirus seeping,

Through their very roots,

Dampening their daily walks,

Or tarnishing their fruits,

No handwashing,


Searing, hurting longi...

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Freedom screams on the back of my words

demanding more than just a numb text...


A nation succumbs decapitated during years;

suffocated by discouragement piled on their path,

mocked for their sorrows, sufferings

and the blood they shed


The perverse, without mercy,

brandish a sharp iron,

ceaselessly striking the cheeks of the innocent...

tearing souls apart,


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