The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

End of Restrictions

We all long for when restrictions end.
Times have been tough but we're on the mend.
Our freedom - it cannot come too soon.
Now together we may sing a joyful tune.

Life for us all must now improve.
For face masks we may soon remove.
And there's something for which many yearn,
That's for nightclubs and discos to return.

Social distancing will be abolished,
And the metre rule is to be demolished.
And from home we now don't have to work,
With no isolation to make us berserk!

And there's something that may raise our spirits,
Guests at events shall have no limits.
And as we take away these lockdown rules,
Removed shall be bubbles in schools.

As to normality we move toward,
We may now choose to holiday abroad,
And as this nation loves freedom of choice,
It must now be time for us to all rejoice.




FreedomLockdownRestrictionsStuart Vanner

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