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I still believe!
What was it you said
As a I lay in my bed
One snowy Christmas Eve?
That if I believe
In what I receive
Comes from a magical place
Then, the world can be yours
There'll be open doors
Into realms
beyond our time & space
Merry Christmas & a better New Year to all on planet WOL! ❤️
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 5:19 pm
A Christmas Wish
A Christmas Wish
I wish I could go back for just a day
I wish there was a magic way
To twenty years or so ago.
To christmas past as white as snow.
To little kids in soft pyjamas,
Christmas specials of telly dramas.
Excitement sizzles in the air,
Gifts from loved ones soon to share.
Special baubles cover the tree,
Children waiting full of glee.
Santa’s m...
Tuesday 21st December 2021 3:08 pm
The Last Noel
In the bed, she lay
So tired & so frail
Like the room itself
So colourless & pale
At least, through the window
She could see the snowflakes dance
Falling in a serenade
To a winter's night romance
Her bed sores burned like hell
In this purgatory of self
A forgotten thing called living
Lay dormant on its shelf
But the snow fell so dreamlike
Wednesday 15th December 2021 4:26 pm
Big Package For Little Dink
It can’t be said cus I’ve lost my head forgotten more than we’ll ever know when the big package arrived for
Little Dink
simply wasn’t enough time to even think wrapped in yellow gold with bright purple bow
looked more than 173 years old for I knew it must be as today’s
the day of Little Dink’s birthday
so there we all sat along the floor
full of presents galore
counted ...
Sunday 12th December 2021 10:12 pm
The pathway is a little bit chewed
A little bit covered
In permafrost
The later that night
The more you surely loss
Deepen the mind’s abyss
Feel around for the light-switch
Avoid the claws
The voices in my head, they are an oligarch
They know you more than your family
And th...
Thursday 4th November 2021 5:20 pm
A Dim Afterparty
A Dim Afterparty
Thou shall never know if words could ever suffice
Nor should the laws of nature bound the mind to the earth
For we exist as long as the fade of eternal light
Brings a dimming to the afterparty as we find it cannot always be night
And though our hands feel our knees and our locked chests
Some can see clearly yet roam in the subconscious dark depths
In a ...
Tuesday 28th September 2021 7:20 pm
Respect Women, He Said
Respect Women, he said
I remember my skin was tight coming in from the low of a Maine night
When she
When she
When she
When she
Discovered my claims of
I could walk better, I ain’t in pain
But she knew something other than how my words were arranged
it were the muscles in and around my mouth, sculpting my face
Or it was the bags under my eyes
She related to when ...
Tuesday 28th September 2021 7:18 pm
Make Mama Cry
When they say to stay gold
Is it for bright days to sit between your ears?
All the cotton clouds, two or three, right there?
Or is it to find strength for your arms to pull you over the mossed edge?
Mama cried after every light accomplishment
Whether it be reinstated love or you set a day aside for treks and hikes
Or graduated from University
You seen Mama cry when t...
Thursday 23rd September 2021 4:06 am
Nothing was more of a tangerine hue
Than the lowlight of Manitoba this morning
The Winnipeg River calmed at the foot
Of its rapids and roaring
Kaylee never emerged from her tent
to see new shades
Or the vining philodendrons’ hearts
Curl and take shape
Sunday 12th September 2021 1:55 pm
Your Protector
In the morning I held you so tightly
As the dawn light drizzled our bed
Wondering if your dreams fluttered lightly
From the kaleidoscope in your head
Did the rays of the sun come and catch them?
And filter a rainbow of dreams
Then gently release & dispatch them
Into shimmering rivers and streams
Did the water taste like sweet nectar?
To the ones who drank ...
Saturday 4th September 2021 11:16 am
If We Love It...
What if those cells collide
what if the world beats to a different rhythm
What if our path is forked
What direction will we take
What if we have no choice
for the first time in our lives
What if things go smoothly
What if then we're three
What if it gets hard at times
What if we do our best
What if something
we never thought was in us
well, what if it suits us
What if there's a n...
Saturday 14th August 2021 10:00 am
The Changing Breeze
Before the demolition
Turned my old Street
Into rubble
I went to steal some memories
Of our laughter & our struggle
I went to hopscotch down
The chalk lines of the past
Play tag with the echoes
Of ones who didn't last
Time had aged the street
Like a persons face too old
It wore the strain of many toils
From the ending of 'black gold'
I wal...
Sunday 1st August 2021 10:36 am
If you were to leave your body with this breath, you’d float across the lake like dandelion seeds on the wind; the cool denseness of the surface buoying you, the deep gravity of the water anchoring you.
If you were to leave your body with this breath, the stars would twinkle just as if you hadn’t, but the moon, the moon would heave earth and ocean just to draw you heavenward.
Wednesday 28th July 2021 4:09 pm
The Withered Vine
I watch her slowly
fall from grace
Her body still
Her mind displaced
New memories
no longer stay
they simply
drift a w a y
Like a mist around
a mountain old
that dissipates
as the dawn unfolds
She's there in body
but sparse of mind
Sometimes it's hard
to seek, and find
The vibrant woman
Wednesday 26th May 2021 6:20 pm
You're the first thing I ever knew
The first sounds I ever heard
The first movement
First heartbeat
First meal
First love
Your womb was my home and in it I built my existence
In you I grew and gew
And through you I met myself
I am to you
As the light is the dark
The seed is the flower
The rain is the ocean
Your cells are mine
And through you I exist
Thursday 13th May 2021 8:58 am
Is it because we live in a nuclear family
That we can conscience this nuclear world
As if somehow all those other people
are less significant
being them.
What if I did not know my mother or father
Did not know my aunt or uncle
What if they could be any one of the billions and billions
of people anywhere in this world
And maybe my ancestors have returned again
In Burma or Sudan or Ne...
Wednesday 17th March 2021 8:37 am
My loved Brother
Today, in the middle of my weekly shopping
Between bananas and tomatoes
I found red plums.
The noise around me
Made silence,
My mind traveled 24 years ago,
To our small city,
so distant that looks like another life.
Each month we used to buy
two plums and one sweetened milk,
our monthly rewards
nobody except you, can under...
Monday 1st March 2021 6:57 pm
A Reflection
The man in the mirror
No longer looks like me
His best years are behind him
There's nothing more to see
His daughter is a woman
With family of her own
The years now seem to fade away
Into the bleak unknown
Although I'll keep on dreamin'
Of better things to come
Sometimes I feel like runnin' free
Into the rising sun
A slither of a silhouette
Against a s...
Tuesday 9th February 2021 10:48 pm
Monday in Tier 4, New Year Jan 4
Facebook is full of futility;
pandemic emotional ping pong
vapid mini Directors spouting “truth”
proving a point to the other side
The class divide is dividing us,
fuelled by media-driven Morgans
who needs to create division to thrive
pointless pricks with absent minds
Propaganda piloted, spoon-feeding
Humans walk past Joe the homeless,
humming on their way into work
happily stil...
Monday 4th January 2021 7:51 am
A New Breath
He flung the rope
over a branch of a tree
And fluttering down
came a few dead leaves
He watched them rest
upon the cold, crisp earth
And cursed his mother
For his wasted birth
This year of pandemic
Had him stripped to the bone
Made him jobless & useless
A bear in his home
Frustration begat anger
And anger begat fear
Unable to provide
Friday 1st January 2021 1:24 pm
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