thoughts (Remove filter)
my mind is a maze
a dark labyrinth
a closed trap
my thoughts run around like scared mice
they’re squeaking and scampering
and running around in a craze
delusional, one might say
loud and quiet and fast
they’re mad and shy and cry
but only because they’re terrified
they just want to be saved, to be heard
but my mouth doesn’t open
doesn’t say a word
it’s weak a...
Thursday 12th November 2020 3:01 am
Loudest in the Room.
A simple note to explain doesn't seem long enough
To bring on one sheet my final feelings and thoughts
Why am I doing this and what lead me here?
It wasn't just one event and the timing wasn't near.
I'd start when I was younger but who can remember that far back?
Unfortunately I do with every panic and anxiety attack.
You'd probably start to see why by the time I finished 10th grade
Sunday 8th November 2020 5:53 am
Shakespeare's Orphans
We all have thoughts
They're in our heads
During the day or when
We take to our beds
But where do thoughts go
When we're brown bread?
Do they expire when we do
Or emigrate instead?
Do orphaned thoughts stray
Seeking a new home?
Is the air alive with ideas?
Does a corps of notions roam?
And is that where poetry begins?
Idling like taxis, do rhym...
Sunday 12th July 2020 11:56 am
Thoughts (random)
Thoughts are funny
Thoughts are freaky
Thoughts bring pain
Thoughts bring gain
Neither here neither there
All we think we bring to bare
My thoughts
Her thoughts
Your thoughts
His thoughts
Thoughts we share
Thoughts we cannot bare
Though you do not say, your thoughts they always find there way
Good thoughts bad thoughts
All day we fi...
Monday 25th May 2020 3:14 am
Sunday Thoughts
Two lone souls
believing they stand out in the crowd
do they really
or are they the same as everyone around
they feel like they're special, profound
no one must feel the same
but they do,
they all want to be loved
they're all searching for the one
Yet there isn't only one for you
there are quite a few
as they've slowly come in and out of view
this one here...
Monday 13th April 2020 2:20 am
Into the Wild
The seeker seeks, the searcher finds,
The adventurer travels around his own mind.
The winds that blow and storms that shout,
and rock both tree and bush about.
The wanderer carries a burning torch,
To light his way with no remorse.
No solice does a watcher find,
when seeking troubles in his own mind.
Cold hearts grow, lone spirits become strong,
and ...
Friday 3rd April 2020 11:29 am
I Want To Hold It Close
That scenic chorus paints pride blended tears
as suspended droplets thrum euphoria
those watchers notice, its nuance foreign.
They’ve never heeded- never recognised
the harmony befriending delicate words
that welcomed wrung emotions on inches.
rare colloquial feelings pouring traces
left to the table.
The playing record that tugs at my arm
to appear closer, pulling at ...
Saturday 28th March 2020 4:00 pm
Do You Ever Also?
Do you ever feel like you're the protagonist of a book?
Where the ending is constantly being rewritten and you're just waiting for the day that it's finally gone through all the edits and gets published?
But what happens if it's a novel that has 7 parts?
You might never even get to read the last written words or get to the final chapter of what you thought was your
"perfect ending."
...Monday 24th February 2020 8:35 am
Rooms of the Mind
Our states of mind are like different rooms.
Some of wonder. Some of gloom.
We go out of one and in another.
Each one is different to the other.
We know not what we'll find inside.
And we might wish to try and hide.
Some rooms be dark. Some rooms be light.
Some be with joy and some with fright.
Each one may contain certain rules.
With different objects and different tools.
With chall...
Friday 14th February 2020 5:54 pm
uneasy brain
dangerous minded
cant forget all the things that happened, im constantly reminded
tramatizing pictures in my head
the doctors got worried so they put me on some meds
because i couldnt deal with my mental
derailing and my thoughts became detramental
i couldnt handle my life anymore
couldnt stop the impulses before...
it was too late, theres drugs involved, using them i thoug...
Wednesday 15th January 2020 11:26 am
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