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Maybe light was once kind
To the baby moth.
Perhaps, it never fully learned
How it had changed
Into the enemy.
Is this why it must return again?
Flap its fragile wings, 
Once more, against the pain,
Even until the very last time,

                  “Be as you were”

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breaking upescapemeditationrepetitionself protectionrelationshiplove's tempest

Lost in the Lyrics

I remember getting lost in the lyrics when I was a young girl. I would stop and start my record or cassette a hundred times while I wrote down every word so I could sing along to the song. 

Lyrics was my escape when I had no place to go.

I learned lyrics, meter, and rhyme, from the best poetry teachers of my time... 

Stevie Wonder, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner, James Taylor,  Bob Seger, Barb...

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Black sky

How happy would I be
When the sky would be black,
Thinking about the time,
Shaking my legs.
Jump off or burn off 
Nothing I could be sure off.
Giving you a big smile,
Now even you can't see me, faking off.

You thought you saved me,
Grabbing me before I could fell
You dare to intrude my will
Now I am trapped in this hell.

If only you could hold my hands before
Then you won't have t...

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depressionsucideescapeno escape

Boy and Kite

kite and boy


a paper kite

flutters in the wind

making wonderful sounds

back to the boy holding

the end of the string


kite dips and smiles

at boy and dances

little jigs as its string

is held taut

boy smiles back


a strong wind begins to blow

kite string breaks with a snap

startled boy looks up

and sees kite start to

fly in erratic patterns ...

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in your flood

one step out the door
one step forward
one step closer
to the flood

one step backward
one step in reverse
one step away
from drowning

a punch to the gut
and tears streaming,
more than the smiles
more than the ‘i love you’s

and how many more years like this
how much can i take like this

i agreed to ever after
but this now, these lows
i can do without
i barely survive the cr...

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planning one's escape is never easy

even Steve McQueen found it hard

guilt made me especially queasy

I was writing your last birthday card


my escape strategy was meticulous

armed guards would have missed it

such carelessness left me incredulous

normally your vigilance took the biscuit


I timed your every movement with care

then I waited till you left for the gym


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Tenant of the Sea

He witnessed the rise and fall of the tides

Of the sea that seemed so milky in the moonlight.

Gloating over its graceful strides,

The rumble of the colossal sea was all he could hear that silent night.

The stars twinkled in the darkness,

And the moon in the blackness

Gazed dotingly at him and his boat,

As the decrepit carrier carted its master swiftly afloat.

How long...

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She died in a

Care home before the

Pandemic, from

Complications after a broken hip.

She helped see off Hitler but

If granny had lived

Would she have

Seen off the virus?

During the War she worked in munitions

Her factory got bombed, she

Made ammunition for the boys at the


In the care home both her

War-time comrades

Choked to death for want of testing...

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escapepandemiccare homebulletoxygen


retreat, retreat

settle back down into your cave


retreat, retreat

settle back down into that space you crave


retreat, retreat

no more reaching out for company along the shore


retreat, retreat

no more reaching out for what’s beyond the door


retreat, retreat

the ghost killer haunts each of us


retreat, retreat

stay inside we must



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Green Frog with Gray Hair

Once there was a tree frog, green as green can be.  
He liked to sing on summer nights whenever it was wet.
His voice seemed much too loud for such a little frog. 
He spent his day seeking juicy bugs to eat; 
with his clever tongue he quickly found a meal. 

One October he was looking for adventure.
He climbed a large camellia bush 
and found a tiny opening in a window screen.  
He climbe...

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Earthling Evacuation

Maybe moving to mars is the only way to escape the virus!

Fingerprints of the sun

Upon the face of mars

New life has just begun

Way beyond the stars!

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Life on MarsEscapeNews


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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bonny and ClydebordersescapefightFreedomfighterslet's do itroad moviesexy


Come closer to me my friend.
We will escape this night.
We will run,
We will drive through the night.
We will find a way
To get our freedom back.
And fight for our heratige.
Come my friend wave your flag,
Remember our freedom,
Remember open borders.
Come my friend
Let us kiss when we cross these lines
When we leave these burdens there,
In this old place,
Now in the hands of far right...

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Freedomfightersescapefightsexyroad moviebonny and Clydelet's do itborders

A Sea of Red

A sea of red lights

cars stopped


the hours of rush

is all hurry up 

and wait

they race against each other 

only to be home alone 

or tucked away with their lovers

they spent all day

dreaming of their escape 

now they must wait

a brief pause

the reason

the cause

only too much

in the way




what they long to see


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Into the Blue

Never before had he known a colour touch him that way,

This indigo held a tenderness and cool warmth which confused him.

And yet,

As the neon lights dimmed and harsh sounds abated,

He felt drawn to the dark, to go in search of his liberty

And yet

Like a dimmed aquamarine siren, it called to and reassured him,

He would be safe, it would hold him in its arms, nothing could, woul...

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the seanight swimmingescape

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