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planning one's escape is never easy

even Steve McQueen found it hard

guilt made me especially queasy

I was writing your last birthday card


my escape strategy was meticulous

armed guards would have missed it

such carelessness left me incredulous

normally your vigilance took the biscuit


I timed your every movement with care

then I waited till you left for the gym

my bags were packed but did I care?

yes, I did, to protect my life and limb


my escape strategy was meticulous

armed guards would have missed it

such carelessness left me incredulous

normally your vigilance took the biscuit


only now do I see you infiltrated my scheme from the start

that the gym manager, unlike me, had secured your heart


my escape strategy was meticulous

armed guards would have missed it

such carelessness left me incredulous

normally your vigilance took the biscuit





◄ Crusoe's Inflatable

Brimstone Heart ►


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