The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

early poem (Remove filter)


I have captured the beauty of the sun,
But you do not look.
Here in my heart lies the serenity of heaven,
            Yet you are so far away.
Lone bird. Circling through,
While I
Stare into a blazing sky,
             To catch a flash of dark.

Tied to this earth,
I am wrapped in flames of desire
            For a touch that never happens.
My soul
Fights with the wind,
We swoop so...

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early poemimaginary relationshipslove's tempest

Now That There Are No More Words To Hurl

Now that there are no more words to hurl,
And silence stalks the corridors of my world...
I think of all the things I could have said,
Instead of all the things I did to hurt you.
So now that all that angry fire has left,
And raindrops on the window only mirror tears I've shed,
I sit and watch blurred raindrops fall,
And where you sat, no-one sits instead.

Now that there are no more card...

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early poemlove's tempestimaginary relationships

No Stranger Love

Across the great divide of separate minds,
We've formed a fragile thread, a fragile bond.
We walk alone, say nothing, do not touch,
We make no obvious statements, promise not.

So it is not a burden, that we love,
We ask no personal questions, tell no lies.
We beg no favours, need no other thing,
We are the products of a violent world.

A world where double locks are not enough,
To keep...

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early poemlove's tempestimaginary relationships

Troubled Water

The river that divides us stretches far as the eye can see,
Nor is there end, nor crossing place. Save for a wooden stare
Supported by the tide of previous tears,
That ebbs and flows and heaves against it's creaking boards.

People may try to dismantle the steps we took.
Now that the boards are washed away, we do not even care
Enough to stop them when they want their wood.
We do not need s...

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early poemlove's tempestimaginary relationshipstroubled water


The next sub-theme in Love's Tempest is 'Imaginary Relationships'.
Before you begin to experience love, you think about it a bit, imagine what it might be like.
And at that age too, you're being asked to write stories a lot and poems a little bit at school.
Practicing story telling and poetry writing and thinking about love, it all merges together...
This first one experiments with sonnet form...

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early poemimaginary relationshipslove's tempestsonnet


The boys in the street mend their cars.
A miniature garage, it seems.
I feel like crying, I feel so alone,
No-one to mourn me when I am gone.
No-one to miss me, no-one to care.
I pound at the walls, but no-one is there.
And if they are there, then no-one hears.
And if they hear, then no-one cares.
No-one to care, no-one to cry,
If I live, If I die.

The boys in the street are at it agai...

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belongingconfusionearly poemidentityisolationlove's tempestbeginnings


While waiting for the bus to school,
I came upon the weighty problem
Of what to do with my hands and feet.

Unused to such quandries and puzzles,
I first thought the answer to be
Simple, like hands in pockets, and stand on feet.

But unbidden, there came to my mind
A picture of myself, standing on my feet.
A plump girl, with her hands in her pockets.

At last I could stand it no longer

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love's tempestbeginningsself esteemself lovebelongingearly poemsocially awkward

Tuning In

This is me talking to me.
Are you in?
Are you listening?
Are you OK down there?
Because we’ve been getting some 
            strange signals
And it’s very worrying.

You’re not lying?

That’s alright then.
Just checking.

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meditationearly poemself careself awareness

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