soul (Remove filter)
Soul Searching
Craving escape
From infinity
It entwines
For a while
In a body
Exploring confines
Of humanity
Begging to break
Unknown boundary
Releasing timeless
Tilts on the edge
Of insanity
Won't rest
Till it is
What it's
Meant to be
A Quest that confesses
Monday 16th November 2020 12:19 pm
I'm drawn
Drawn to you
And I don't know why.
I'm spoken for but you're who I think about all night.
I'm Drawn
Drawn to you
And and your eyes
Like big diamonds when we played with Lucy in the sky.
I'm Drawn
Drawn to you
And your voice
We werent in the same room but I could hear you
And I got excited and I had no choice
But to be drawn
Drawn to you
And all that you are.
I ba...
Tuesday 25th August 2020 12:46 pm
Have you given up on me have I given up on you
What is it we really can do as we look like fools
Can't see the future past my own dreams
But can you say your truly free
Don't need no blessed beads.
Don't need no lucky rabbit's feet.
Just need our leader's minds to be free.
Instead of thinking of a destructive ideology
They have a death wish for...
Friday 7th August 2020 1:37 pm
Ever Green
Your soul song is addictive,
makes love evergreen.
Peace flows through my veins,
amidst a world gone mad.
Play on, in the misty starlight
of my mind.
Sunday 26th July 2020 6:23 pm
If you could compare my soul to anything in nature
I’d say it‘s like a thunderstorm
people have mixed feelings about it
there are positive and negative feelings involved
some fear it for its destructive potential
some admire the lightning show
tension holds it together
that it’s trying to release
an inner state of unease
it’s contrary in all of its parts
the heat...
Saturday 25th July 2020 10:18 am
There is more then what you see
More than what you are told to believe
You can't have what you already own
Take back your peace it is more than anything
Take back your love there is beauty in every one
Take back your purity the way you live will make you free
Revolutionary soul
Much more than owning all the gold
Revolutionary soul
Much more than fame or what you think you know
A ma...
Friday 24th July 2020 4:52 pm
Soul Songs
Your poetic words
bring comfort
my mind
cannot comprehend.
Floating in the
healing waters
of your soul,
is my favorite pastime.
Two stars colliding,
creating a kaleidoscope
of time.
In the space
of your song,
life is sublime.
Saturday 18th July 2020 2:22 am
The Quiver Of Fond Lips
I never used to look at people's faces
My body language was out of kilter
Then I met you and saw the world
Through a life-changing filter
The thing about you that gets me
Is the quiver of merciful lips
On a mouth adorning the face
That leaves my heart in bits
The quiver of fond lips cant be beaten
It makes my soul leap and rhyme
Should yours ever stop quive...
Thursday 9th July 2020 12:32 pm
May peace be with you,
the whole day through.
May aches and pains
sail away with the blues.
May sunrise open your eyes,
experience make you wise.
May your soul find its way home
on the wings of love.
Thursday 25th June 2020 4:34 am
wanted to cry,
but smiled,
wanted to talk,
but stayed silent.
wanted to feel happy,
but endured all the pain.
wanted to live,
but died.
Tuesday 23rd June 2020 10:10 am
A magenta sky
greets my morning sigh.
Another majestic day,
lost in the minutia of life.
Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers.
Distractions abound.
Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.
Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.
Long nights,
paved years.
Fandango memories
sustain me.
Dry your eyes,
face your fears.
Tuesday 9th June 2020 4:31 pm
Solar return
instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.
evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate
meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.
my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...
Wednesday 15th April 2020 9:05 am
Artists & Critics
She doesn’t sing to win awards,
she sings to breathe life to her soul,
connect with spirits tuning in,
let them know they are not forgotten.
She knows she will have critics
that judge her art lacking.
Their negativity is nothing she hasn’t
overcome from herself a million times
on her rocky road to freedom.
She smiles as the ivory tickles her left palm,
Saturday 7th March 2020 12:54 pm
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:44 am
Poetry and creative writing by the philosopher and author, alexis karpouzos.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:37 am
Alexis karpouzos poetry and creative writing.
Actress : Martha mourouzi
Alexis karpouzos on Goodereads
Tuesday 11th February 2020 9:29 am
Disappearing Ink
You pen beautiful poems,
revealing hurts, worries,
secret desires of your soul.
Dancing on high wires,
creating cosmic alchemy,
then your words
are gone in a blink.
You must be using
disappearing ink!
Friday 10th January 2020 3:22 am
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