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Flyntland on CORRA
48 minutes ago

Flyntland on CORRA
55 minutes ago

Flyntland on CORRA
1 hour ago

Hélène on not to the swift
1 hour ago

Hélène on CORRA
2 hours ago

David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
6 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
6 hours ago

David RL Moore on Tits
6 hours ago

Mike McPeek on not to the swift
14 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Tits
16 hours ago

Busted Jag

Sliding through the fog with your 

Illusions of finery

I saw the check engine light when I got in

But your cracked windshield distorted my vision

All I could see was how I felt when

Your leather interior 

Hugged and kissed 

And caressed my body

The cute dates at cute restaurants

Sangria and Seafood

Lies covered in parmesan cheese

Lying about past lives

Lying on ...

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datinglustbrokenemptinesslieswishful thinkingcarsrose colored glasses


Will you raise your voice for the oppressed

Will you demand Governmental redress

Will you speak on things that truly matter

Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter

Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth

So they can discover the yield of truth

Will you speak up Will you scream

Will you have faith Will you dream

Will you turn up your volume for the silenced


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Willfree willtruthliesyouthfaithdreamGodoppressionbraveryknowledgejusticeGod willing

Political Irrigation!

(Wrote during the post Brexit
 vote debacle)

Ahh democracy!
What a wonderful thing!
The freedom of a vote that counts
Makes my lickle heart sing!

The Magna Carta, the 2nd Reform
The start of our foundations
The principles of all free worlds
The lifeblood of our nation 

The Suffragettes - great heroines
Spilled blood to earn the right
They would not bow or break or bend
Or fade...

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Inconsequential Madness

Fires seething, breathing, spewing forth
Molten vulgarities unto this earth,

Feeding on the despair and indifference of
A society that has rid itself of all those things
Which are true and good,

Nothing is intolerable anymore, for the flames
Have consumed all, beggar and borrower alike,
And smothered nature's sight,

For the heart which cannot see shall be mute to
All that could open...

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Modus Operandi

Deny, deny, deny,

modus operandi, 

when caught in a lie.

Can pass a polygraph 

while looking you in the eye. 

Knowing what’s done in dark

eventually comes to light, 

until such time,

deny, deny, deny!

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She was trying

Trying to be calm

Trying to mute the

Monologue inside her mind.


Full of contradictions to herself,

Full of arguments

Full of endless thoughts


She felt like being pulled

In a spiral

Down and down and down

With each breath she took

Swallowing her own soul


As if she split up

Into two halves

Halves against each other

She was he...

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City Lights

City lights,


Half-hearted smiles 

And ugly cries.


Bustling roads,

Narrow and broad;

Abundant with shops and bars,

And people- their bodies, minds and souls scarred.


Edifices tall and sturdy.

Trapped in it are people content and happy;

And those walking on thorns, barbed and merciless;

And those breathing but lifeless.


The city is a plac...

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Lil Ray of Sunshine

Lil Ray of Sunshine

Yeah it's been longer than a minute,
so i gotta let this go,
everything that i've kept in,
these words ready to flow.
As much as i speak,
little did you ever know,
that this lil ray of sunshine turned into a pitchblack soul.
I remember a few years ago I preached a lot,
I had some words of wisdom so I shared my thoughts.
I preached about loyalty , respect and gangsta...

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relationshipsbreak-upmarried lifepainsadloveliesinfidelity

Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies

Sell Me Something More Than Snake Oil And Lies


They say that pulling down statues

Is rewriting history

As though the sculptors who made them

Were historians

And not some commissioned artist

Doing what he was told


Sell me something more than snake oil and lies


It is a form of history

Cast in the wealthy viewpoint

From the stance of the privileged


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NaPoWriMo207day11 (72)statueshistoryBLMliesperspectiveremovalthe Bop

Away The Lad

Away The Lad


When you haven’t got a friend

Or a carer you can reach

Then plan a family trip

To the better equipped North East

County Durham’s nice this time of year

Or so I hear them say

And simply by happenstance

It’s only my wife’s birthday


You see me and the Missus

developed a little cough

so we panicked and headed North

and all the newspaper can Fu...

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napowrimo2018day 29off topicdominic cummingsco durhambarnard castleeye testliesbreaking lockdownelite

Going Viral (with Teflon Dom)

Like Saul on the road to Damascus
when Jehovah stopped for a word and held forth
Mary Wakefield met Lord God Almighty
on the A1. In March. Heading north.
In a car with something quite deadly
(who was apparently feeling unwell)
his road paved with the worst of intentions
off to Durham, or – hopefully – hell,
coughing and sweating and whining
like some self-centred, sociopath scrote

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dominic cummingshypocrisycovid-19lies

The "Corona" Special

So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,

My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,

Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,

All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,

That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,

Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,

Can't you see this virus is one ...

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americabrainwashingconspiracyCorona viruscorruptiongovernmentlieslock downmedianewspropagandatruthtyranny

Our (Mis)Fortune

Your hand slips into mine, 
the fortune-teller notices 
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced 
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in

Laying down cards one by one 
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind 

We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins, 
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”

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I Will Never Lie

I might use poetic license, 
write stories and invent details,
tell tall tales, speak in parables, 
exaggerate, embellish, 
embroider, enlarge upon 
or summarize and minimize.

I could write memoirs 
about my illustrious, 
impeccable career. 

I could cite statistics 
to prove a point, 
maybe fudge the numbers.

I could hide information, omit details, 
deny any knowledge 
and glos...

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Liar Liar,

Soul on fire

Burn thy little heart.


From your lies

the truth must rise

or you'll feel it rip apart.

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