romance (Remove filter)
mystifying rain forest
mystifying rain forest
years ago we discovered
a small hotel
at the edge of the rain forest
in Monte Verde Costa Rica
we arrived late afternoon,
bought cheese, bread
and a bottle of wine
we sat in front of a large window
in our room overlooking
the forest
the owner told us to do...
Sunday 20th December 2020 5:21 pm
Roots of Love
Roots of Love
Ones moon rises as the others descends.
The Sun brings their identity as they unlock their worlds.
One gusts into the world as Air.
One ignites into the world as Fire.
One love’s expressing through intellectuality!
One’s motivated by inspirations and aspirations!
The moon is the Soul of their identities.
One’s Soul reacts to experiences,
with discernment ...
Wednesday 2nd December 2020 7:21 pm
Composition of Intimacy
Compostition of Intimacy
With fears of eternal solitude, I called truce.
Obstacles fill the atlas of our hearts,
distracting our impressions of exquisite Love.
Our painful beliefs insist we reprieve our minds,
voiding our previously learned doctrines of romance.
Phobias of Love furiously traveled the hourglass of our lives.
Chaos constrained our philosophy of enchantment,
Tuesday 1st December 2020 4:32 pm
I'll Be There
Don't be afraid to get close
I understand your heart has been aching from the cold
Life can be so cruel and your heart has been scorned
But some love isnt worth remembering
Some not meant to be mourned
I'll ease your pain and hold you when you feel down
I'll touch you so tenderly
And dissipate your frown
Words can mean little
But I don't say what I don't mean
I save my loving words for s...
Thursday 26th November 2020 2:02 pm
A Nights Journey
Twinkling twilight of the night sky
Encased in your delicate stare
Holding love of two souls
Romance filling the air
Rose petals falling slowly
Resting delicately at our feet
Wind blowing softly
Red and white petals dancing in the street
Time stands still in those moments so dear
A bright light shinning through the night
While a smile is cast upon your face
Sunday 22nd November 2020 8:38 pm
Romance and Me
Romance it is my company when I am all alone,
It comforts and calms me and puts me in the zone.
It can make me feel that someone else is there,
Who does understand me and always does care.
So by lovely music or beautiful words,
My sentiments are seen or heard.
It can echo all my secret feelings,
And for a stressful day it may be healing.
It hears my heart. It exults my soul.
It reflec...
Sunday 8th November 2020 12:03 pm
Sleek, below indigo
A mastery of dancing light,
She swims among waves.
Floating nothingness surrounds
Time stopped on beauty
As her deep eyes look up.
Diamond scales
And ivory hands
Reach toward sunlight.
Mysterious soul,
Treasured, rare wanderer,
Gyspy of the sea,
Song of timelessness,
and enduring breathlessness,
She swims eternal;
A captor of her s...
Saturday 10th October 2020 7:27 am
I want to
I just want you to know I want to.
I can't see you every day.
I can't kiss you while we sway.
I can't hold your hand.
I can't be seen out with you because you're not my man.
I can't get to know you as deep as id like.
I can't let you really know me, you might say goodbye.
I can't sleep next to you in bed.
I can't tell anyone anything we've said.
I can't tell you what's going on in my...
Thursday 27th August 2020 1:50 pm
'Listening to Elvis, thinking it over'
I wish I knew what to say
I look for words
But they just escape me
I look for a sign, everyday
But the faith I feel, it fades away
Set the alarm, wake up and keep on going
But all the while, my tears are flowing
What about the love and joy that I felt in my heart?
Please don’t tell me we’re destined to depart?
Elvis’ dulcet tones, makes its way right ...
Tuesday 4th August 2020 12:23 pm
I spent the day
In a bad mood
With no hap stance
I could count good.
But at sunset
Miraculously I witnessed
The sun rose on my sky,
While crossing paths,
Object of my sight love,
Saw you closer I.///
Catching the sight of a love object has mood-uplifting powe
Tuesday 21st July 2020 2:26 pm
Distance Dating
Bitten by passion
In forbidden times
Meaning is missing
As each hour chimes
Watching his body
His face
Through a screen
Can a coin set him free
From this vending machine?
He offers a penny
Just for her thoughts....
' If you'd been some chocolate, I'd get what I've bought'
Wednesday 27th May 2020 11:44 am
Meet Me By The River
Meet me by the river
Underneath a starlit sky,
Where the magic of the moonlight
Is captured in your eyes,
I'll tell you what you mean to me,
And how I love you so,
How you and I are meant to be,
My heart eternally aglow.
Lay with me into the night until
the light of dawn,
As songbirds come a singing
as they do with each new morn.
You are to me the sweetest rose
whose petals embrac...
Friday 15th May 2020 7:32 pm
love into
skin locking
away from
bodies slick
with stolen
a living
Friday 24th April 2020 5:41 am
Geezer's Lament
I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair. *
She’s so sweet and loving.
I’m good looking for a man of my age,
with handsome gray hair – what there is of it –
that girls like to pat like they pat a pet dog.
I can’t wag my tail like a dog,
but I can flash a sweet smile.
My wrinkles portray character
and the wisdom that comes with age.
Skin cancers between wrinkles
betray my time ...
Thursday 2nd April 2020 9:42 pm
Dear One
I’ve told you so many times,
“I love you so much.
I’m so glad I found you.”
What else is there to say?
June 2012
Thursday 2nd April 2020 9:35 pm
Cold Feet
For weeks I savored time with you,
wanted to be with you always.
I never asked: “Will you marry me?”
Instead, I asked
when can we wed?
You answered “As soon as we can.”
I left your apartment giddy with joy.
It was a cold New England winter.
I got cold feet as I drove to my lonely room.
What had I done!
Had I been impulsive?
Was this a doomed infatuation
with a new girl who had...
Thursday 2nd April 2020 9:32 pm
Bird table
Like a little
House sparrow
In a winter
Of sorrow
She's waits
At his table
For breadcrumbs
Of love
Standing for hours
Till sun turns
To showers
Till seeds
Turn to flowers
Before she
Gives up
Sunday 1st March 2020 10:06 pm
Perspective is a dangerous thing
It tears the world apart.
Though it causes terrible pain
There is wisdom to impart.
Do not assume your fellows see the candle as you do
Remember flames look differently to the both of you.
She sees the flame as hell on earth
with fear of fire that kills.
He sees the fire as lust and desire
sees the flame as fun and thrills.
Monday 24th February 2020 6:18 pm
Valentine's Wish
Don’t get me wrong
I often long for chocolate;
tied with a bow,
seems more about show
than any love that I know.
I value your time
more than a sweetly, slick rhyme.
Your words have more worth
than a purchased verse;
whispered, in private
has more meaning.
Choose genuine over saccharine.
Be present,...
Sunday 9th February 2020 11:40 am
2 Year Anniversary Around The Corner
You ARE the love of my life.
You ARE my bestest fuckin friend ever!
You ARE a woman I truly admire and adore.
You ARE the most fascinating and interesting person I know.
You ARE the most beautiful woman from head to toes.
You have the most infectious laugh that turns me on so much!
You ARE awesome and I love you so damn much!
Tuesday 4th February 2020 3:46 am
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