The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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TOM MERTON on Meeting Each Other
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TOM MERTON on Reverberating Voice of Resistance
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TOM MERTON on The truth of being settled
44 minutes ago

Marla Joy on Redeemer
1 hour ago

Marla Joy on Corners
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Flyntland on OPAQUE
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Jonathan Humble on Multiple Choice
2 hours ago

My essay will be finished once the seventh seal breaks and the angles get their trumpets or whatever

Does silence disprove existence,
or does it just mean that someone's not interested.

Living our lives,
guided by the light,
and blinded by the sound that's not present.

Lives filled with love,
love for the waves,
bird songs pushed to the direction where the wind blows.
Even the grass is singing it's story of growth.

Hearing nothingness,
when you open your mouth,
the loud silence t...

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Chit Chat

Speaking can feel like your swallowing

So, you may as well swallow instead

Or it’s giving,

Giving and giving

Fingers down your throat,


Searching for…

Will I be stronger tomorrow?

Or just hollow tomorrow?

So, you end up filling up on someone else’s dictionary

I am disarmed without my language

But my language is disarming

Words do break your bones


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silencetalkingtherapyanxietystresstheraputictalkopening updenialstiflesuppressiondepressionquietwordslanguagepoetrypower of words

"The Ropes Are Fraying And Soon I'll Sail"

“The ropes are fraying and soon I’ll sail”
pencilled grey
along the edge of my notebook page
a heart-breaking phrase
sure to inspire, somehow
Flicking through, I read it again
and pause to lament;
That boat washed out
its anchorage severed
silently, in the night
no words, no words
He’s gone
and into that sad darkness 
so many other ships would follow
The town seems quiet this e...

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inspirationinspirationallost voicesquietsilence

Silent Light 

Hello silence, my old friend.
It's good to embrace you
once again.

No flashing phones.
No clashing tones.
No distracting memes.
No broken dreams.

Just breathing in gratitude,
marinating the moment,
exhaling ego,
connecting to the prophet within.

Listening, learning, loving, 
by the naked light you bring.

# # #

Image by Gerd Altmann...

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Aftermath of Argument


When you won't back down...

The frequency of silence

That prolonged pregnant pause

Has it been days, hours or seconds?

Not sure anymore


Possibilities pulsating

Around this infinite space

The longer things are

Left unsaid

The harder they are to face

Still I expect the best

Still I suspect the worst

I'll give in, if you do

You have to

Say it


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Where is the magic?

We all start out knowing magic.

We are born with hurricanes and whirlwinds,

oceans and galaxies inside us.

We are able to sing to birds and read the clouds

and see the destiny in grains of sand.

But we have forgotten the magic

and we feel without compass, alone and desperately,

only selfishness, only pain, fear and darkness.

But, magic of love has nev...

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Words of You

Searching for you

You’re the word

On the tip of my tongue

- tip - tip – tick – tock

You’re the face on my clock


You’re the catch in my breath

Like if I was to cough

Words of you

Would just tumble out

Like if I was to shout

Words of you

Would just rumble out

You’re built into my skull

You’re the clutch over my brain

You’re running through my veins


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anxietyBroken heartsHeartbreakMoving forwardobsessionrelationship breakupSilencestruggleWorry


i am as a sapling in the shadow of a hundred year oak
try not to breathe, not to stir
i wish to remain unnoticed at the edge of your meadow
here in my solitude
i dare not disturb this perfect silence
inexplicable and deeper than night
nothing casting it
a black shadow wavers in the bright sunlight
it covers the the meadow floor
pulling at my curiosity I am lost in it's mystery

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He ghosted me,

then I ghosted too.

Maybe ghosting 

spreads like the flu.

Leaves the ghosted

feeling sick and blue

when a loved one 

suddenly starts ignoring you. 

You haven't a clue 

what to do. 

So, you stay in bed, 

with the covers over your head

wishing you were dead

so you can get some relief 

from the ghosting disease.

Eventually, you get up


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forgivenessghostingrelationshipssilenceunrequited love

True Love

Have I loved?
Yes, on the spectrum,
towards the sacrificial side.
Silencing my soul,
losing my identiy.
Endless nights
crying myself to sleep.
I sometimes think I would have
preferred an easy love
bouquets of rainbow colored daisies,
sparkling teeth,
a passionate love,
French kisses in Rome,
ruffled sheets,
a forever love,
hugs, holding hands, 
finishing each other's sentences...

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blank pagekisseslovelove poemslove poetryRomeSilencesoulMusewriter's groups

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