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"The Ropes Are Fraying And Soon I'll Sail"

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“The ropes are fraying and soon I’ll sail”
pencilled grey
along the edge of my notebook page
a heart-breaking phrase
sure to inspire, somehow
Flicking through, I read it again
and pause to lament;
That boat washed out
its anchorage severed
silently, in the night
no words, no words
He’s gone
and into that sad darkness 
so many other ships would follow
The town seems quiet this evening
our town feels colder, somehow
I stand on the harbour wall
no words, no words
What can be done
move the hands around the clock
reverse the face
repeal the laws and absolve it all
ah, the ropes are fraying
and soon I’ll sail…


(For David, El & Robert, Devon et al)


inspirationinspirationallost voicesquietsilence

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Frances Macaulay Forde

Mon 23rd Sep 2019 18:59

Love the construction, the notion and the quietly relentless movement toward the neat and clever ending.

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