Mental Illness (Remove filter)
Howling Into the Void
The sun fairly shines
But the world isn't one
And you wonder why
Of all the places,
All the people,
It has to be in paper
You could pour your heart out
And bleed your pens
With thoughts imprisoning you
It has to be the paper
That hears your complain and growing pain
For you were never heard
Of all the people,
It has to be pillows and blankets
Who calms your raging soul
In ...
Friday 13th December 2019 2:24 pm
Delusions of Grandeur
How can you adore me one day
and forget I exist the next?
Was I just another notch
in your belt?
Why can’t you see that your world is
darker without me,
the one who loves you
Someday it will all make sense.
Meanwhile, I’ll keep convincing myself
you still care.
Saturday 31st August 2019 4:27 am
Perfectly Perfect
Till I woke up
then you spoke up
screamingng in my head.
Losing that weight again
with words of encouragement
ignoring the ills of my mind
pushing me back to when "You looked so much better".
Look inside.
Ugly words.
Oh no sorry.
You don't want to know
you just want to see
...Friday 3rd May 2019 4:05 am
New Friend
Bipolar one disorder. I did not flinch. Warm and genuine, I liked him right away.
Open mike night. He played guitar. Part of the regular crowd. I had seen him many times, always with a smile.
Beer was good and we talked over the music. It was only our second meeting, yet the conversation flowed with ease. Relaxed and natural.
Been a lawyer he had. But not the "good kind" and he gave m...
Saturday 20th April 2019 8:45 pm
Bereft of feeling.
I wanted to do a poem today to provoke a thought or thinking about the insanity of taking drugs. I have known many people succumb to Heroin and painkillers, alcohol and it all seems so futile I myself suffered with addiction through mental illness. Its a terrible thing and very dark. So here is my attempt at describing this disease.
Bereft of feeling
Stare into the abyss
eyes burning...
Monday 18th March 2019 9:20 am
Please forgive Me Myself and My BPD
When you try your hardest you really do
But your switches get the better of you
It's not my fault I try and say but it still doesn't stop me pushing people away
My actions speak louder than words but my actions aren't created by myself
There all chemical imbalances that cause my mental health
I say I'm sorry each time I mess up but there's only so many times people will he...
Tuesday 19th February 2019 10:37 am
The Stigma
On my fathers side,
They ignored the elephant
On the living room couch
And called it toughness.
This was how they turned
Wife and kids
Into therapy.
This was how my cousin
Turned a belt into a noose
In his closet.
This was how they called
my aunt the "bitter black woman"
stereotype and how they saw
her charge to dim
...Tuesday 12th February 2019 5:01 pm
New Year, New Demons.
The sun sets around this dirty glass.
Just a few more hours until I become someone new and forget who I was.
Im waiting for the fireworks but they'll surely never come.
There's no celebration for killing the demon that's been killing everyone.
You think a simple crucifix could fix this.
I don't think I can send my monster back to hell.
I've killed my insides I'm nothing more then a shell o...
Wednesday 2nd January 2019 5:39 am
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