Panic Attack
1.It really was the shape of night,
all mystery at first,
but there was the noise too,
sitting on my chest
until I broke out in sweat,
and we were alone with the only
choice to cancel the weekend.
2. That was the first year. By the second
year, it was living in a cubicle at work.
And by the third year,
I found a doctor holding my diagnosis
as I walked int...
Friday 29th March 2019 8:43 pm
Drove down
the long stretch
of a country road
with I and I
we call Memory
in the passenger seat.
Going back
to the house
where we first met,
hoping to send me back.
known better, ...
Tuesday 19th March 2019 3:23 pm
Me vs. Me
Just when it looks like
I'm making progress,
I fumble
an hour and start to sp lit
(just like that)
and the other half
turns pretty ugly
very fast.
Then it's me vs. me
all weekend.
Thursday 21st February 2019 11:36 pm
Sort of a Well Adjusted Adult, part II
I’m shelving books in a springtime
Blouse and high heels,
And life is okay when a patron
Walks towards me until she whispers
“You know, your shirt is on backwards.”
Then life rains on you for awhile.
Once, a guy wrote how he
Preferred women in their thirties:
“Something about life experiences
That gives them that extra sexiness,”
(As if we are seasoned breasts)
...Tuesday 19th February 2019 9:26 pm
Baking Soda
Like every mamma, she had her own remedies,
like baking soda
on a canker sore. It doesn’t sound easy,
but it worked; besides, her own
mother (my grandmother, died before
I was born) tried this on her,
"And see? I survived." (Shrug).
Still, I wouldn’t do it by myself.
She had to bend before me
at the bathroom sink, tug
at my lip to expose the ulcer,
milk white ...
Friday 15th February 2019 4:07 pm
This Closure
*From my poetry collection, All the Words in Between
The search party found her under
the crunch of autumn oak leaves. Rigor mortis
set in three weeks ago.
she was filed next to Bella in the Witch Elm—
and other mysteries. She’ll adjust to tight spaces
and purgatory silence.
After the autopsy,
even the anchor woman shrugged. Everyone
followed suit, except fo...
Wednesday 13th February 2019 10:14 pm
The Stigma
On my fathers side,
They ignored the elephant
On the living room couch
And called it toughness.
This was how they turned
Wife and kids
Into therapy.
This was how my cousin
Turned a belt into a noose
In his closet.
This was how they called
my aunt the "bitter black woman"
stereotype and how they saw
her charge to dim
...Tuesday 12th February 2019 5:01 pm
When the DJ Played “Lovefool” on the First Night of Carnival Season in a New Orleans Nightclub, 2018
*Note: Originally published in 2018's Live Mag! Magazine.
On the 12th night, we shuffle
under the rotations of a disco ball,
old Halloween decorations,
balloons bobbing on the ceiling
to remind us that the year is only
six days old. I barely survived
the holidays, but the city can be
unforgiving to introverts, pushing us
out of our brick covered shells because
...Saturday 9th February 2019 3:22 pm
The Storyteller
From my poetry collection, "All the Words in Between"
I’m molding into a storyteller with age,
but not without listening to how my mother
watched the world shift and write chapters.
She was working in an office for Bell South,
praying after the Challenger incident;
home, hearing what they found
under Gacy’s house; raising
me while I was too young to know what
was ha...
Thursday 7th February 2019 7:05 pm
In 2002,
it was still controversial
to talk about panic attacks
and Prozac.
So I didn’t tell my teacher
of my insecurities.
I just said, “I don’t know”
or “I forgot”
to escape the times
she called on me.
On Thanksgiving, I told
my husband about the time
She called me slow
and she probably forgot by now.
But these days,
I just want to tell her,
Wednesday 6th February 2019 2:13 pm
Before I'm Thirty
Twenty-nine is a strange year.
Some nights, I live my
sliding into a pair of
peep toe stilettos,
applying the right shade
of burgundy lipstick
to complement
the Merlot I'll order
in the mature calmness of a wine
bar in Uptown. I'll sip daintily
while cross-legged
on a bar stool as jazz night
sings along with his fingers
on the piano on t...
Tuesday 5th February 2019 4:08 pm
Ice Skating In New Orleans
My older sister, several other girls
met on the concrete square in our backyard
to test the sheet of ice that wouldn't melt
in rare moments of a "real" winter
in a New Orleans suburb. In 1994,
they were only in junior high
but seemed so grown up when I was five
and watched how easy it was for them to teach
me how to slide over the slipperiness
Friday 1st February 2019 4:42 pm
Introvert's Day Off
I packed a suitcase for just myself
then took a trip to winter months. Found
the key to the bedroom in a snow-crusted corner.
Flat-lined in a crowded room and had to shake
off the hangover in
empty spaces.
So mood landed on carpet
and grew dim like a lamp when the flimsy blanket
drapes over the shade to welcome the latest
blast of ice in gray sunset.
Friday 1st February 2019 9:47 am
Those snapshots
follow me into bed, leave me silent as
the afternoon I climbed a tree
before my grandfather's house, settled
on the strongest branch
to ignore the chaos of a hundred family
members with Black Beauty;
the pages and bright green leaves
around my head
are what I remember most
and also, how I felt,
how I feel years later
Friday 1st February 2019 4:59 am
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