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God Is No Man

Understanding the laws of the universe
Puts you in a position of overwhelming doubt
As your mind tells you that God would never take the form of a human scout
Decaying in this moment of nonsensical bout.

God doesn’t sit on a cloud
God doesn’t pretend to shout
God doesn’t want to meet you
Or question the defiance from the stench of your wet mouth.

The Universe is filled with mathematica...

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Calm My Mind

God please calm my mind
And heal my heart, I am drained
Please take away pain

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I saw God today

I saw God today

the sun shooting rays down between the clouds

I saw God today

in the tears of a friend who was hurting

I saw God today

in the smile of others and the pride in their eyes

I saw God today

as I looked in the mirror and realized my eyes were clear

for the first time in a very long time

I saw God today

in every raindrop and in every lightening strike

I s...

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The voice of God/የእግዚአብሔር ድምፅ(trans in Amharic)

I bent again unto the ground
And I heard the quiet sound
Which the grasses make when they
Come up laughing from the clay
--We are the voice of God!—they said
Thereupon I bent my head
Down again I might see
If they truly spoke to me.
But, around me, everywhere,
Grass and tree and mountain where
Thundering in mighty glee,
--We are the voice of deity!—
And I leapt from where I lay:
I d...

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What bid the upper spheres to roll

about our grandly tomb of space,

in wild misanthropic patrol

propelled by some unknown faceless grace,

the same who bids all landless work?

for wage sustaining slavery,

and fashion law that government dirk

to prolong their own sad tyranny,


all this we must endure without tears

upon our once bright aeolian hearts,

where anxieties...

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“The Man and The Whisper”




What if…,



The haunting past,

The heart of anxiety,

The present limitations,

The lack of belief in myself,

Uncertainty of knowing myself,


These are the lions in my den,

The lighting and thunder in my storm,

The dark walls enclosing on my shoulders,

The waves that are ready to pummel me in my ocean of lif...

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godquestioningbeliefsbiblestrugglesbonesachewonderaweanswerstruthdiscoverybelieveGod Within

Letter from My Heart to God

Everything that I use to sooth my weary mind becomes a stumbling block. Reading, writing, worship, daydreaming, all killed by frustration and agitation. I need something to make the voices cease. I need a little time alone in peace. Lord, I’m left standing alone and wounded. When will my affliction stop? When will my mind be my own again? Free from dread, free from fear, free from worry, anxiety a...

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Not The Same

So much pain I try to keep it tamed 
We grew up different we not the same
The shit u do is fine the shit I do draw the line
Yo family there when u fall 
My family flat out don’t care 
U had everything 
I had to jugg everything 
I guess sometimes life ain’t fair 
It’s more to me then a ugky face with long hair 
Always been small but ion have fear 
Some nights I couldn’t sleep 
Many night...

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Myths and Wishful Thinking.

It's odd for me
To be down on my knees
Praying to a God
That I don't believe in

I asked him why
There's so much pain in my life
And the one bit of joy
Was cut off like a knife

I was angry and mad
Didn't expect a response
I was crying and yelling
In my little tiny house

I heard in my heart
The reason to be
That there wasn't a soul good enough
To fill the love that I need

He ...

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Love MySelf

What do have to offer. yourself

internal wisdom beneath the facia of my concious

the untenable barrier that holds the flesh together, but connot be devoured only boiled down

and essence consumed


waste not use it for what it is

extract its power

use the sinew to construct a rope

strength beyond

only useful in parity with what is beneath what is beneath useless witho...

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recoverygodegoself worthidentity


Flexible as a flexi rod

Love like a mother

Adapt as a chameleon

Real like a savage

Persistent, just like a professional runner

Machete through my jungle mind, keeping the weeds down

Care for one as a new born baby

Sympathetic, as I walk in someone else’s shoes

Cross my legs, as you have to work to spread them

Looking into the eyes of others; I see a mirror through there ...

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