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From Heart To Zero

Fires burn hot but rarely last

What remains is just embers

Our own love-volcano cooled

I wonder if Julie remembers


She went from heart to zero

Furnace turning to ice floe

Soul out of fuel and cooled

Flames flickering with woe


She was temperamental

Blew cold with the best

All or nothing the norm

I got chilled like the rest


She went from heart to ze...

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bellowschillembersfiresfurnaceheart to zeroice floevolcano

Can You Hear The Moon Sing At Night?

Can you hear the moon sing at night?
A distant melody from the most dulcet vocal pipes?
Have you ever nestled in her crescent bed
Like the kid in the DreamWorks emblem?
My winsome lady
Dotes on me.
Her visage,
Part amused, part exasperated.
For she knows why I've come to see her again--
To steal the roux from stars, milky and fulgent.
To hoard fragments of the night sky in my wooden ches...

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PoetryastronomycraterdiamondsexplosiongemsMoonnightrepressed memoriesstarsvolcano

Round route

In cloaks of words I wrap myself against the weather
Storms I conjured up as punishment.
Hands full of swords thrusting up out of the earth
The round route I take.  Gazelles return again
To the brink, to drink.  And me? To think.
So I skirt mans burning fire, hyena lurking
Laughing in the dark.  A great arc I make
Like a dim sun at the end of his leash
Scribing the day across the sky...

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This artistic and ancient civilisation settled on these fertile slopes a millennia ago,

in peace with the land they live in complete harmony for they are not a war-faring race.

They plant crops and grow grapes on the lower slopes of the huge towering volcano,

everyone ignores the billowing clouds of steam issuing forth, they know they’re safe just as their pa...

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volcanolavadeathwiped outcivilisation

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