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Haven't Changed

HA! I guess I haven't changed since then. All these schemes and dreams in my head of me doing something impossible to win you back. Wrong choice of words. To open you to me once more.

Once I daydreamt that I somehow got in touch with Al Barr and we went drinking up in Edmonton at your favorite bar every day for a week until you strolled in. You were star struck, Al was a cool wingman, you fell ...

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lovezachhappypainletting goi don't want toplease don't goi need you

Sol (9/11/2017)

Sumptuous daylight

May you fill my soul

Bring light to this life

So wretched and cold


Oh, illuminating fairy of day

Reliable and warm, your kiss

Washing away the night’s pain

Bathe me with your bliss

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contenthappinesshappyin a good placein love

maybe, I.J.

i want to marry you.
maybe we'll both wear dresses 
maybe Skyler will be our best man
maybe my family won't be invited
maybe Steve will walk me down the isle
maybe our color will be black
or blue
or dark red 
or a deep purple
maybe you'll have half your head shaved
and I'll have an arm covered in tattoos
maybe our first dance will be to an Incubus song
maybe to an Ed Sheeran song

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Only in the dark I see the day.

Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive; 
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply. 
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...

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bfcouplesfamilygfhappinesshappyheyLovenewpeoplepoetsadsweetwhom you love

The power of a place

Let the sound of the seas swell wash away the pain

Let the whoosh and crush of pebbles float away the strain

Morning light shimmering across flat sparkling sea

Morning swimmers lightly shivering as they rush to shore

Boys and girls peddle, skate and scoot by

Direction not known but heading for fun

Happy voices bouncing all around

Only early but excitement abounds

New vistas...

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A Time When I Wasn't

A wistful vagueness presides over my aura

The night was clearer than ever

Now wasn’t the time,

Now I was headed to a service sublime

But do I regret these impressions viewed from my window?



This ‘ere song from a vintage past

It crooned of simpler days,

It blasted my hopes into the freezing air

Carried me back to a time that wasn’t there

And I couldn’t help ...

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Writer's Reverie

Borne of summer strolls untold

Into evenings where countless stories unfold

The road ahead was void of cars

And I alone played an orchestra to the stars


They shined their blessings from celestial seats

Meanwhile, I looked beyond perennial streets

Pondering clues for my desired path

For answers to a writer’s insatiable wrath


A scent, a sight, a cricket in the still...

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There was once a man.

There was once a man,

charming in the flesh

He fell in love with a woman,

who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.

She was his dream,

a dream that came close with his reality.

There was once a man,

bewitched with all.

He dare not speak,

for not to ruin all.

He cared for his beloved,

as if she was the heart of it all.

Until he met his dem...

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Kiss me now I say

Kiss me now I say, 

and I promise I won't cry.

Tell me, what do you see? 

Do you see this sad soul searching for clues or

do you see someone who has the same soul as yours?  

Life is such a wonder, 

to live not knowing things and to die for something worth it. 

I say now kiss me, 

I'm not sure what will happen next. 

But I promise is worth it. 

Life is such a beauty. 


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We've met before

We've met before. 
Somewhere between the sun, somewhere between the moonlight. 
I speak to you as if it was the end of all things, you speak to me as if it was the beginning of it all. 
Perhaps maybe we are both mistaken. 
Somewhere between the stars, somewhere between the night. 
I am simply observing, what you are and what was mine. Hoping one day, we meet again. 
Maybe not as lovers but m...

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