bad karma (Remove filter)
Evil in them
Do not curse at the clocks
Time will not stand still
Do not shout at the rocks
They are not stronger
Than their stone hearts
Do not get angry at the mirror
Their ugly face beats the error
Of all your good deeds
There is an evil in them
Stronger than the storm
And the hurricane never ends...
Monday 20th March 2023 8:47 am
Sane × Insane
Why do you expect so much good in other people
Why do you pray so much under every steeple
How can you be ok to be disappointed all the time
And hurt yourself with so much hope inside
You’ll never learn your lesson if you try to be blind
To The bad side of people you try to hide
And let them inside your heart again
Is it a crime to let them cause you so much pain
To the poi...
Monday 11th September 2017 4:17 pm
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