The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Things I can't do

Forgotten how to smile

forgotten how to react

how to engage


Its insidious

Its life...

Why is it life?

It’s not life

Its how I choose to live



Learn to smile again

I smiled in Spain

even when I was in so much pain

It needn’t be so far removed from day to day life


Remember that.


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Marooned again

The sun leaks out of the grey cloud ceiling spilling all over my body. Golden light bathes my cells.
Blanketed by solar rays I gain a new perspective on my surroundings; colours are deeper, fruit ripe. The world beyond my front door suddenly separated only be a wooden plank. 

But as quickly as it came, the curtains above me shut with swift determination. Once again my perspective shifts. 

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Grey Skies

Shades of grey paint happy faces on my thoughts

As the cool breeze sets my mind on chill

Flashes of light brightens the beyond

If only for a moment

And that moment sits and simmers for a lifetime


I’m at the most calm when there’s rain drops

When everything else slows down

And the dust in the air dissipates

Senses are charmed by those rain drops

Inhibitions lose thei...

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