breathless (Remove filter)
Ventilator Dreams
Like you I sped up the ropes like a monkey then
Breathless we
Made mincemeat of the pommel horse but
How I envied your physique!
So ashamed that I kept my vest on, afterwards
My matchstick legs hid in the shower.
Later I never put on an ounce or
Made a penny though
You grew rich and
Obese before the virus ran you down .
Today I heard they've put you
On a ventilato...
Thursday 7th May 2020 10:55 am
As a new day dawns and I open my eyes
I look upon a world in painless surprise.
A smile creeps across my hopeful face
as I lie in bed, my comfy place.
A tentative move; a testing stretch but
then comes a cough and my face is etched
with pain, like a stalker in darkened streets
as I grudgingly rise to my unsteady feet.
Reaching to grab at the windowsill and
Thursday 4th June 2015 1:35 pm
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