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Wake up Midas
















Wake up Midas

it isn't your time.

Those dogs had

no right to take

you from me.

"Wake up baby!"
I'm crying,

"Wake up!"


Please don't leave

so soon.

I'm the one

that let you outside.


Wake up,

oh please wake up.

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Tongue and Cheek

It has taken ahold of me once more.

Basking and marinating;

my life is in limbo.

At a halt,

with a glance,

Hope arises,

and then just as quickly sets as the sun.

Moments are cherished 

but then despised with a gun.

Feeling the chambers loaded with each shell,

the thought it so real, 

so quick,

so painless.

So easy.

But where does that leave us?

Going fo...

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gunreal lifespiritualityspiritlet golovelossbeautifulfreefreedomsuicide


Somewhere in between

the waking and the dream,

I can feel you close to me.


Just before times hands

reshape the desert sands,

I can feel you reach for me.


In the blink of tear stained eyes,

watching weary to the skies,

I can see you cry for me.


In the breaking of the dawn,

in the dew upon the lawn,

I can see you smile for me.


In the bright ray...

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And the troops go marching proudly by

as she wipes a tear from her weary eyes,

the one that she seeks, she will never again hold

for he died at his post; he was thirty years old.


The colours fly high on a cool autumn breeze

as man and boy march with well practiced ease,

so glad to be home after being so brave,

with flags overhead and not covering their graves.



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ironylossPTSDTRAUMAwar poetry


Oh deep, dark depression,

my uninvited guest,

the persistence of oppression

is precluding my life’s zest.


The dark before sunrise

of a dawn that just won't break,

suppressed by a thirst for my soul

that only sorrow can now slake.


The wisps that you are weaving

are clouding my damp eyes,

a cold and cloying shroud

that’s covering all that I desire.



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The child in his arms, such a precious gift,

her sweet little smile would make his heart lift.

Born into a love that none could compare,

baby blue eyes framed with curly blonde hair.


Conceived and born on such love filled days,

from the moment he held her he was blown away.

His heart did a flip and his smile was so wide,

his devotion to his daughter could not be denied.


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If you see a distant star

in the evening sky

and you shiver from the chill night air,

yet you feel a warmth

in the depth of your heart,

then you know that I am still there.


When your tears have dried,

the bed has grown cold

and you're feeling lost and adrift,

when the days feel empty

and the nights far too long,

just remember, I gave you a gift.


A life...

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There’s a bench in the park where an old couple sit

holding hands and laughing as the children play and flit

about on the swings and slides with boundless joy,

inciting memories of when they were girl and boy.

The antics of the kids so full of life and carefree bliss,

their lives laid out before them on paths that time would kiss.


They’ve been sitting on that bench for ...

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My Apology

To her, to them, and to the rest

Please know that I did my best

For you though the pain fills my chest

But to have known you, I feel so blessed


To the one who holds my aching heart

It is my fault that we’re apart

Funny, beautiful and oh so smart

But it is I who has been such a tart


The past remains a total blur

Temptations have been my torture, my lure

What ...

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Grief is costly and I was broke, 
Not you or him or any bloke,
Could have filled my pot of casting love,
He pulled my purse-strings from above.
That heavy weight of stress I threw,
I shrunk and stole myself from you.
That constant stream of words that played,
For them, a fortune I'd have paid!
I foraged deep for that sweet tune,
But woeful blues, they filled the room.
You wouldn't know t...

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balanceemotional-bankruptcygrieflosslovelove and lossrelationships


The heat of a sultry summers day

and the news wasn’t good,

you were going away.


Vow’s made by the lovers brook

are just trickling memories

of a love that you took.


A heart that once was full of life

is now but an empty shell

on the edge of a knife.


A vignette, closing in on a world,

as into the deep dark abyss

my mind was hurled.


Dreams and g...

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The hands of time tick slowly by

as dawn breaks in a new day.

A nightmare reality of

the receding night lies marked,

like so many fading stars,

in the shattered glass on the floor.


Silken shards of sorry souls,

their lives now trapped

in a dream of what was then,

what is now and

what should never have been.


Each broken image,

a moment in time captured


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28 Years Later

Can you imagine infinity as a 10 year old?

Yet now, 28 Years Later, I think it’s no time at all

I know you’ve been with me, all this while, watching, 

I grew from a child, into a girl, then a daughter.


There were times when I wished you weren’t there,

private moments, intimacies, melancholic memories,

I silently searched for you to surprise me,

my wedding, a fatherly hug ...

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childhood lossgriefhopeloss


There was a man I knew,

not too close, not too far,

as a child he was there

to tend to my scars.


A man with a past,

of that I had no doubt,

a man, when provoked,

who knew how to shout.


A happy man

with a smile for all,

he'd always be there to

pick me up when I'd fall.


And though never far away,

we were never very close,

a sign of those times


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cancerdadfatherdeathlossloveregretslooking backcelebrationfamilysonpride


The flickering flame

in the dream of your eyes,

is a glimmer of life

in a darkening sky.


But little heat remains

to warm the weary hearts

of those so slowly left

bereft and torn apart


A chill wind blows a tear

across the cooling fires,

a rain of lasting love falling

softly through life's briars


A trickle of silent sorrow

leaving trails on shall...

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deathdyingreapersoullossdeath loss friend



When there are no mirrors
I am young again
Sitting in the warming glow
of distant years
The aches and pains
will all be gone tomorrow
The days are long
and never seem to grey.
Parents are in another room
just out of hearing
The T.V has three channels
all black and white
Three meals a day
are sitting on the table
The bonfire smoke
creates the evening dusk.

Another time I...

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drowsingsummer stormchildhooddreamingmothernostalgialoss

Love in an open wound


I sat beside you on that fateful day,

As they sutured your wrists in A&E,

Their failure to keep you safe,

Was no failure of ours or me,


For try as we may to get you help,

Their ears were as deaf as their eyes,

Now we sit..... in our tortured state,

In the hollow your passing creates,


You will always be with us inside our hearts,

For as long as our minds wi...

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Trickle Towards Tomorrow

Trickling Towards Tomorrow

Everything Trickles
The tears, they trickle down my cheek
Just like everything else does.
Time trickles day by day,
Sometimes fast, like a river rushing towards the sea,
Often times slow, slow as my tears,
For it is these moments that I remember,
And all the joyful ones I keep discarding.
The tears come from many sources,
Whether it is the loss of something I...

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