The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

unborn child (Remove filter)


I wonder if you hear me,I wonder what you think 

I wonder if you're liking the things I eat and drink 

I wonder how you're sleeping is everything okay 

I wonder what new limbs you have and how much you've grown today 

Are you a boy or a girl? I have a feeling you're a girl

Does your hair grow straight or does it have a curl

What colour will your eyes be 

How much will you weig...

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Babypregnancyunborn child

Faced With Tomorrow

Deep inside my swollen body, she kicks

.A tiny survivor, a fighter, a warrior queen,

So small yet she's ready to take on the universe...

...yet I feel guilt at bringing her into a world so unclean.


She knows not yet that she faces a future

So shaky, so insecure and unknown.

I'll love and protect her with a tigress ferocity,

But I can only do so much, one day she'll be gro...

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futureunborn childnatureenvironment

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